Range queries

Perform numeric range queries

A range query on a numeric field returns the values that are in between a given start and end value:

FT.SEARCH index "@field:[start end]"

You can also use the FILTER argument, but you need to know that the query execution plan is different because the filter is applied after the query string (e.g., *) is evaluated:

FT.SEARCH index "*" FILTER field start end

Start and end values

Start and end values are by default inclusive, but you can prepend ( to a value to exclude it from the range.

The values -inf, inf, and +inf are valid values that allow you to define open ranges.

Result set

An open-range query can lead to a large result set.

By default, FT.SEARCH returns only the first ten results. The LIMIT argument helps you to scroll through the result set. The SORTBY argument ensures that the documents in the result set are returned in the specified order.

FT.SEARCH index "@field:[start end]" SORTBY field LIMIT page_start page_end

You can find further details about using the LIMIT and SORTBY in the [FT.SEARCH command reference](/commands/ft.search/).


The examples in this section use a schema with the following fields:

Field name Field type

The following query finds bicycles within a price range greater than or equal to 500 USD and smaller than or equal to 1000 USD (500 <= price <= 1000):

This is semantically equivalent to:

For bicycles with a price greater than 1000 USD (price > 1000), you can use:

The example below returns bicycles with a price lower than or equal to 2000 USD (price <= 2000) by returning the five cheapest bikes:

Non-numeric range queries

You can learn more about non-numeric range queries, such as geospatial or vector search queries, in their dedicated articles.

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