Redis Insight debugging information

Redis Insight debugging information

If you are experiencing errors or other issues when using Redis Insight, follow the steps below to learn more about the errors and to identify root cause.

Connection issues

If you experience connection issues, try these steps.

1. Launch Redis Insight in debug mode

Run the following command to launch Redis Insight in debug mode to investigate connection issues:

  • Windows:

    cmd /C “set DEBUG=ioredis* && ".\Redis Insight.exe"”

  • macOS (from the Applications folder):

    DEBUG=ioredis* open "Redis"

  • Linux:

    DEBUG=ioredis* "redis insight"

2. Investigate logs

You can review the Redis Insight log files (files with a .log extension) to get detailed information about system issues. These are the locations on supported platforms:

  • Docker: In the /data/logs directory inside the container.
  • macOS: In the /Users/<your-username>/.redis-insight directory.
  • Windows: In the C:\Users\<your-username>\.redis-insight directory.
  • Linux: In the /home/<your-username>/.redis-insight directory.

Other issues

To debug issues other than connectivity

  • Windows:

    cmd /C “set DEBUG=* && ".\Redis Insight.exe"”

  • macOS (from the Applications folder):

    DEBUG=* open "Redis"

  • Linux:

    DEBUG=* "redis insight"

Get detailed Redis Insight logs

  • Windows:

    cmd /C “set STDOUT_LOGGER=true && set LOG_LEVEL=debug && set LOGGER_OMIT_DATA=false && ".\Redis Insight.exe"”

  • macOS (from the Applications folder):

    LOG_LEVEL=debug LOGGER_OMIT_DATA=false open "Redis"

  • Linux:

    LOG_LEVEL=debug LOGGER_OMIT_DATA=false "redis insight"

    Note: if you use LOGGER_OMIT_DATA=false, logs may contain sensitive data.

To log everything

  • Windows:

    cmd /C “set STDOUT_LOGGER=true && set LOG_LEVEL=debug && set LOGGER_OMIT_DATA=false && set DEBUG=* && ".\Redis Insight.exe"”

  • macOS (from the Applications folder):

    LOG_LEVEL=debug LOGGER_OMIT_DATA=false DEBUG=* open "Redis"

  • Linux:

    LOG_LEVEL=debug LOGGER_OMIT_DATA=false DEBUG=* "redis insight"

    Note: if you use LOGGER_OMIT_DATA=false or DEBUG=*, logs may contain sensitive data.

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