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Redis Caching Assessment

Can your cache stand up to modern application needs?

Answer a few simple questions and receive your personalized guide to caching with Redis

Redis has amassed a huge amount of knowledge by supporting and managing more than 8,900 customers as they deal with mission-critical real-time applications. If you use Redis or its competitors, our hard-earned wisdom can help you make better decisions.

Receive practical recommendations that help you build faster, responsive applications

Discover hidden risks in your approach to caching with managed or open source Redis

Estimate future needs for your applications, and where caching can (and can’t) help

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Better caching awaits
What are your primary caching use-cases?

(Select all that apply)


According to Redis' own Digital Transformation Index, using a cache to store database queries is the most popular caching use case, cited by 55% of respondents surveyed. It is followed closely by using a cache to store API calls (49%).

What are your primary caching use-cases?

(Select all that apply)

Please select all that apply
Which environments are your caches deployed in?

(Select all that apply)

Please select all that apply

According to Redis' own Digital Transformation Index, using a cache to store database queries is the most popular caching use case, cited by 55% of respondents. It is followed closely by using a cache to store API calls (49%).

What challenges do you use caching to address?

(Select all that apply)

Please select all that apply

While many organizations primarily turn to caching to speed up data retrieval, effective enterprise-grade caching brings a myriad of benefits from increased scalability to lower database costs.

What is your cache's data size?
(primary dataset plus replication)
1GB or under
Enter value

When caching datasets larger than 100G, tiering between DRAM and SSD can be very effective when there's a subset of data that is most commonly accessed.

Tiering maintains low latency while saving up to 70% on caching infrastructure costs.

What is your cache's throughput?
1+ million
Enter value

According to a Splunk survey of over 2,200 business and IT leaders, 57% say the volume of data is growing faster than their organization's ability to keep up with it, and 47% believe that their organization will fall behind when faced with rapid data volume growth.

Will your cache be ready to process the massive wave of business data on the horizon?

How many nodes does your cache contain?
2 Nodes
63+ Nodes
Enter value

Based on our experience supporting and managing Redis for over 8,900 customers, Redis operations begin to become cumbersome when a cache is larger than 3 nodes.

If caching at scale, you need a solution with built-in automation to help you avoid the operational challenges that so many businesses encounter.

Is your cache supported by a team of trained Redis experts with a defined support SLA?
Please select a response.
My cache is supported:

According to an Information Technology Intelligence Consulting (ITIC) survey, 44% of enterprises estimate the cost of downtime to be over $1,000,000 per hour.

Expert support matters most when your cache is down. Every second counts. When your application or its data are unavailable, your reputation and revenue are on the line.

How challenging is it for your organization to manage and maintain your Redis deployment?
Please select a response.

According to Flexera's State of the Cloud Report, 75% of companies consider a lack of resources and expertise as a key technology challenge.

The difficulty of managing technology deployments has led to the widespread adoption of managed services, including Database as a Service (DBaaS) providers, to supply a team of experts to operate, scale, and manage database technologies.

Can your cache support hybrid and multicloud deployments?
(Check where your cache can be deployed)
Please select a response.

According to HashiCorp 2022 State of Cloud Strategy Survey, 80% of organizations are choosing multicloud strategies. While the majority of them find value in their cloud strategy, 35% of organizations identify complexity as a key challenge with hybrid and multicloud endeavors.

Enterprise caching can help reduce this complexity, enabling unified data and simplified operations in hybrid and multicloud architectures.

Which of the following are cost concerns to your cache?
(1 - not concerned, 5 - very concerned)
Costs of storing data in RAM
not concerned
very concerned
Costs associated with downtime
(such as lost revenue and repopulating the cache)
not concerned
very concerned
Costs to operate Redis
not concerned
very concerned

According to a Total Economic Impact report of Redis Enterprise, conducted by Forrester, Redis Enterprise goes beyond just speed to provide a multitude of benefits.

In fact, Redis Enterprise's ROI equates to:

- $1.8M in savings in new projects, competitor transitions, and relational database conversions

- $1.6M in income from accelerated time-to-market

- $951.6K in avoided SLA penalties and recouped income from improved performance

- $949K in improved efficiency of IT and DevOps workstreams

What is your cache's required SLA for availability?
Please select a response.

To put all these 9s into perspective: A 99.9% SLA leaves you with nearly 9 hours of downtime each year, while a 99.999% SLA is barely 5 minutes!

Has your cache experienced data loss in the past year?
Please select a response.


You want your most important data to be available in real time, so you cache it. However, in the event of system failure, data held in-memory is especially vulnerable to data loss.

That means it’s it is crucial to use replication and redundancy, backups or data persistence, and a highly available shared-nothing architecture.

What would happen to your cache in the event of an entire cloud region or data center (self hosted, on-prem, or private cloud) failure?
Please select a response.

Cloud outages do happen, despite all of the resilience that cloud computing brings.

In 2021, all three major cloud providers experienced major service outages that lasted multiple hours.

Are you ready for the next outage?

Your cache requires significant upgrades to become enterprise-grade

A basic cache may work for development or test environments, or to support small grassroots projects with low customer dependency and low user expectations around performance.

However, you're likely to run into significant challenges with operations, scale, cost, or resilience when supporting mission critical applications at scale.

Is your cache prepared for the future?
Download your full report and find out.
Download full report
Your cache requires moderate upgrades to become enterprise-grade

While an intermediate cache may be suitable for applications with limited size and scope, as your business scales you are likely to encounter issues.

It’s predictable – particularly if your business endeavors succeed. Eventually, your technology stack will expand to new environments, your Redis deployment will increase to the point where expenses become a concern, and customer dependency will grow to the point where even momentary downtime is unacceptable.

Is your cache prepared for the future?
Download your full report and find out.
Download full report
Your cache requires minimal or no upgrades to become enterprise-grade

But if you're not with Redis Enterprise, there's still room for improvement.

Download the report to learn how Redis Enterprise can make your cache even better.

Is your cache prepared for the future?
Download your full report and find out.
Download full report
Your score
Your cache
Basic Cache Characteristics
  • Very challenging to operate
  • Deployment limited to a single environment
  • Undefined SLA brings a high risk of downtime
  • High risk of data loss
  • Highly susceptible to widespread cloud or data center outages
  • No cost-saving functionality
  • Disorganized and unskilled support
Intermediate Cache Characteristics
  • Somewhat challenging to operate
  • Can be deployed in some, but not all environments
  • SLA allows for significant downtime
  • Medium risk of data loss
  • Somewhat susceptible to widespread cloud or data center outages
  • Limited cost-saving functionality
  • Somewhat skilled or organized support
Enterprise-grade Cache Characteristics
  • Effortless operations provided by a managed service
  • Highly flexible and can be deployed anywhere
  • SLA that provides virtually no downtime
  • Eliminate risk of data loss to safeguard data
  • Highly resilient against widespread cloud or data center outages
  • Substantial cost-saving functionality
  • Highly skilled and organized support
Reasons for your score

Redis’s assessment of your cache is based on its features, how you operate it, and the challenges it presents. We constructed this assessment based on our caching experience as the company behind open source Redis and our know-how developed from managing and supporting mission-critical Redis caches for over 8,900 customers. Shouldn’t you be one of them?
Download your full findings

Over 8,900 customers agree: If you're building modern business applications you need an enterprise-grade cache.

Receive recommendations from Redis experts on your specific needs and discover if Redis Enterprise is the right solution for you.

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Leading companies use Redis Enterprise for caching

TELUS Communications
starlogik logo
Kipp Logo

To find out more, read The Definitive Guide to Caching at Scale