
File import and export

RIOT can import from and export to files in various formats:

  • Delimited (CSV, TSV, PSV)
  • Fixed-length (also known as fixed-width)
  • JSON
  • XML

File import

The file-import command reads data from files and writes it to Redis.

The basic usage for file imports is:

riot -h <host> -p <port> file-import FILE... [REDIS COMMAND...]

To show the full usage, run:

riot file-import --help

Redis commands

You must specify at least one Redis command as a target.

The keys that will be written are constructed from input records by concatenating the keyspace prefix and key fields.


Redis connection options apply to the root command (riot) and not to sub-commands.

In the following example, the Redis options will not be taken into account:

riot file-import my.json hset -h -p 6380


Import into hashes with keyspace blah:<id>

riot file-import my.json hset --keyspace blah --keys id

Import into hashes and set TTL on the key

riot file-import my.json hset --keyspace blah --keys id expire --keyspace blah --keys id

Import into hashes in keyspace blah:<id> and set TTL and add each id to a set named myset

riot file-import my.json hset --keyspace blah --keys id expire --keyspace blah --keys id sadd --keyspace myset --members id


Paths can include wildcard patterns.

RIOT will try to determine the file type from its extension (e.g., .csv or .json), but you can specify it with the --filetype option.

Gzipped files are supported and the extension before .gz is used (e.g., myfile.json.gz -> JSON type).


  • /path/file.csv
  • /path/file-*.csv
  • /path/file.json
Use - to read from standard input.

For AWS S3 buckets you can specify access and secret keys as well as the region for the bucket.

riot file-import s3://my-bucket/path/file.json --s3-region us-west-1 --s3-access xxxxxx --s3-secret xxxxxx

For Google Cloud Storage you can specify credentials and project id for the bucket:

riot file-import gs://my-bucket/path/file.json --gcs-key-file key.json --gcs-project-id my-gcp-project



The default delimiter character is comma (,). It can be changed with the --delimiter option.

If the file has a header, use the --header option to automatically extract field names. Otherwise specify the field names using the --fields option.

Consider this CSV file:


abv ibu id name style brewery_id ounces
0 0.05 1436 Pub Beer American Pale Lager 408 12.0
1 0.066 2265 Devil's Cup American Pale Ale (APA) 177 12.0
2 0.071 2264 Rise of the Phoenix American IPA 177 12.0

The following command imports that CSV file into Redis as hashes using beer as the key prefix and id as primary key. This creates hashes with keys beer:1436, beer:2265, etc.

riot file-import --header hset --keyspace beer --keys id

This command imports a CSV file into a geospatial set named airportgeo with airport IDs as members:

riot file-import --header --skip-limit 3 geoadd --keyspace airportgeo --members AirportID --lon Longitude --lat Latitude


Fixed-length files can be imported by specifying the width of each field using the --ranges option.

riot file-import --ranges 1 9 25 41 53 67 83 --header hset --keyspace account --keys Account


The expected format for JSON files is:

    "...": "..."
    "...": "..."

JSON import example

riot file-import hset --keyspace beer --keys id

JSON records are trees with potentially nested values that need to be flattened when the target is, for example, a Redis hash.

RIOT uses a field naming convention to flatten JSON objects and arrays:

Nested object

{ "field": { "sub": "value" } } -> field.sub=value

{ "field": [1, 2, 3] } -> field[0]=1 field[1]=2 field[2]=3


Here is a sample XML file that can be imported by RIOT:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

XML import example

riot file-import hset --keyspace trade --keys id

File export

The file-export command reads data from a Redis database and writes it to a JSON or XML file, potentially gzip-compressed.

The general usage is:

riot -h <host> -p <port> file-export FILE

To show the full usage, run:

riot file-export --help

Redis reader options

  • --scan-count
    How many keys to read at once on each call to SCAN
  • --scan-match
    Pattern of keys to scan for (default: * i.e. all keys)
  • --scan-type
    Type of keys to scan for (default: all types)
  • --key-include
    Regular expressions for keys to whitelist. For example mykey:.* will only consider keys starting with mykey:.
  • --key-exclude
    Regular expressions for keys to blacklist. For example mykey:.* will not consider keys starting with mykey:.
  • --key-slots
    Ranges of key slots to consider for processing. For example 0:8000 will only consider keys that fall within the range 0 to 8000.
  • --read-threads
    How many value reader threads to use in parallel
  • --read-batch
    Number of values each reader thread should read in a pipelined call
  • --read-queue
    Max number of items that reader threads can put in the shared queue. When the queue is full, reader threads wait for space to become available. Queue size should be at least #threads * batch, e.g. --read-threads 4 --read-batch 500 => --read-queue 2000
  • --read-pool
    Size of the connection pool shared by reader threads. Can be smaller than the number of threads
  • --read-from
    Which Redis cluster nodes to read from: master, master_preferred, upstream, upstream_preferred, replica_preferred, replica, lowest_latency, any, any_replica. See Read-From Settings for more details.
  • --mem-limit
    Maximum memory usage in megabytes for a key to be read (default: 0). Use 0 to disable memory usage checks.
  • --mem-samples
    Number of memory usage samples for a key (default: 5).


Compressed JSON export example

riot file-export /tmp/beers.json.gz --scan-match beer:*

XML export example

riot file-export /tmp/redis.xml

Exported file example

    "key": "string:615",
    "ttl": -1,
    "value": "value:615",
    "type": "STRING"
    "key": "hash:511",
    "ttl": -1,
    "value": {
      "field1": "value511",
      "field2": "value511"
    "type": "HASH"
    "key": "list:1",
    "ttl": -1,
    "value": [
    "type": "LIST"
    "key": "set:2",
    "ttl": -1,
    "value": [
    "type": "SET"
    "key": "zset:0",
    "ttl": -1,
    "value": [
        "value": "member:1",
        "score": 1.0
    "type": "ZSET"
    "key": "stream:0",
    "ttl": -1,
    "value": [
        "stream": "stream:0",
        "id": "1602190921109-0",
        "body": {
          "field1": "value0",
          "field2": "value0"
    "type": "STREAM"

Dump import

RIOT can import Redis data structure files in JSON or XML formats. See File Export section to generate such files.


riot dump-import /tmp/redis.json
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