
Database replication with RIOT


Most Redis migration tools available today are offline in nature. Migrating data from AWS ElastiCache to Redis Enterprise Cloud, for example, means backing up your Elasticache data to an AWS S3 bucket and importing it into Redis Enterprise Cloud using its UI.

Redis has a replication command called REPLICAOF but it is not always available (see ElastiCache restrictions). Instead, RIOT implements client-side replication using dump & restore or type-based read & write. Both snapshot and live replication modes are supported.

Please note that RIOT is neither recommended nor officially supported by Redis, Inc.


riot <source> replicate <target> --mode <snapshot|live|compare> [OPTIONS]

For the full usage, run:

riot replicate --help

Snapshot replication example

riot -h source -p 6379 replicate -h target -p 6380 --batch 10

Live replication example

riot -h source -p 6379 replicate -h target -p 6380 --mode live

Target Redis options

Connection options for the target database are the same as the source Redis connection options:

Use the following options to configure connections to Redis.

  • -h, --hostname
    Server hostname
  • -p, --port
    Server port
  • -u, --uri
    Server URI. For syntax see Redis URI Syntax.
  • -c, --cluster
    Enable cluster mode
  • -n, --db
    Database number
  • --timeout
    Redis command timeout
  • --client
    Client name used to connect to Redis
  • --user
    ACL style 'AUTH username pass'. Needs password
  • -a, --pass
    Password to use when connecting to the server
  • --tls
    Establish a secure TLS connection
  • --tls-verify
    TLS peer-verify mode: FULL (default), NONE, CA
  • --cacert
    X.509 CA certificate file to verify with
  • --cert
    X.509 cert chain file to authenticate (PEM)
  • --key
    PKCS#8 private key file to authenticate (PEM)
  • --key-pwd
    Private key password
  • --no-auto-reconnect
    Disable auto-reconnect on connection loss

Replication Options

  • --event-order
    Keyspace notification ordering strategy.
  • fifo: Keeps order of notifications as they are received.
  • priority: Orders notifications based on the underlying data-structure: string > hash > json > list > set > zset > stream > timeseries.
  • --event-queue
    Capacity of the keyspace notification queue (default: 10000).
  • --flush-interval
    Max duration between flushes (default: 50).
  • --idle-timeout
    Min duration of inactivity to consider transfer complete (default: no timeout).
  • --key-process
    SpEL expression to transform each key.
  • --mode
    Replication mode.
  • snapshot: Initial replication using key scan.
  • live: Initial and continuous replication using key scan and keyspace notifications in parallel. See Live Replication for details.
  • liveonly: Continuous replication using keyspace notifications (only changed keys are replicated).
  • compare: Compare source and target keys
  • --no-verify
    Disable verifying target against source dataset after replication.
  • --show-diffs
    Print details of key mismatches during dataset verification.
  • --target-pool
    Max connections for target Redis pool (default: 8).
  • --target-read-from
    Which target Redis cluster nodes to read data from.
  • --ttl-tolerance
    Max TTL difference to use for dataset verification (default: 100).
  • --type
    Replication strategy (default: dump).
  • dump: Dump & Restore.
  • ds: Type-based Replication.

Source reader options

  • --scan-count
    How many keys to read at once on each call to SCAN
  • --scan-match
    Pattern of keys to scan for (default: * i.e. all keys)
  • --scan-type
    Type of keys to scan for (default: all types)
  • --key-include
    Regular expressions for keys to whitelist. For example mykey:.* will only consider keys starting with mykey:.
  • --key-exclude
    Regular expressions for keys to blacklist. For example mykey:.* will not consider keys starting with mykey:.
  • --key-slots
    Ranges of key slots to consider for processing. For example 0:8000 will only consider keys that fall within the range 0 to 8000.
  • --read-threads
    How many value reader threads to use in parallel
  • --read-batch
    Number of values each reader thread should read in a pipelined call
  • --read-queue
    Max number of items that reader threads can put in the shared queue. When the queue is full, reader threads wait for space to become available. Queue size should be at least #threads * batch, e.g. --read-threads 4 --read-batch 500 => --read-queue 2000
  • --read-pool
    Size of the connection pool shared by reader threads. Can be smaller than the number of threads
  • --read-from
    Which Redis cluster nodes to read from: master, master_preferred, upstream, upstream_preferred, replica_preferred, replica, lowest_latency, any, any_replica. See {link_lettuce_readfrom} for more details.
  • --mem-limit
    Maximum memory usage in megabytes for a key to be read (default: 0). Use 0 to disable memory usage checks.
  • --mem-samples
    Number of memory usage samples for a key (default: 5).

Data structure options

  • --merge-policy
    Policy to merge collection data structures (default: overwrite).
  • merge: merge properties from collection data structures (e.g. hash, set, ...)
  • overwrite: delete before writing data structures
  • --stream-id
    Policy for stream message IDs (default: propagate).
  • propagate: Pass along stream message IDs from source to target
  • drop: Drop message IDs (target will generate its own message IDs)

Performance tuning

RIOT offers some options to identify potential bottlenecks. In addition to the batch and threads options, you have the --dry-run option which disables writing to the target Redis database so that you can tune the reader (see Source Reader section above) in isolation. Add that option to your existing replicate command-line to compare replication speeds with and without writing to the target Redis database:

riot <source> replicate <target> --dry-run


Once replication is complete RIOT will perform a verification step by iterating over keys in the source database and comparing values and TTLs between source and target databases.

The verification step happens automatically after the scan is complete (snapshot replication), or for live replication when keyspace notifications have become idle (see the Usage section).

Verification can also be run on-demand using the compare mode:

riot <source> replicate --mode compare <target>

The output looks like this:

123 missing, 54 type, 7 value, 19 ttl
  • missing
    Number of keys only present in source database
  • type
    Number of keys with mismatched data structure types
  • value
    Number of keys with mismatched values
  • ttl
    Number of keys with mismatched TTL, that is, the difference is greater than the tolerance (can be specified with --ttl-tolerance)

To show which keys are different use the --show-diffs option:

riot <source> replicate <target> --show-diffs


Each process (scan iterator and/or event listener in case of live replication) has a corresponding status bar that shows the process name and its progress:

  • Scanning
    Percentage of keys that have been replicated => replicated / total. The total number of keys is calculated when the process starts and it can change by the time it is finished (for example if keys are deleted or added during the replication). The progress bar is only a rough indicator.
  • Listening
    Progress is indefinite as total number of keys is unknown.

Live replication

In live replication mode, RIOT listens for changes happening on the source database using keyspace notifications. Each time a key is modified, RIOT reads the corresponding value and propagates that change to the target database.

Live replication relies on keyspace notifications. Make sure the source database has keyspace notifications enabled using notify-keyspace-events = KA in redis.conf or via CONFIG SET. For more details see Redis Keyspace Notifications.


The live replication mechanism does not guarantee data consistency. Redis sends keyspace notifications over pub/sub which does not provide guaranteed delivery. It is possible that RIOT can miss some notifications; for example, in case of network failures.

Also, depending on the type, size, and rate of change of data structures on the source it is possible that RIOT cannot keep up with the change stream. For example if a big set is repeatedly updated, RIOT will need to read the whole set on each update and transfer it over to the target database. With a big-enough set, RIOT could fall behind and the internal queue could fill up, leading to dropped updates. Some preliminary sizing using Redis statistics and bigkeys/memkeys (or --mem-limit in source reader options) is recommended for these migrations. If you need assistance please contact your Redis account team.

Dump and restore

The default replication mechanism in RIOT is dump and restore:

  1. Scan for keys in the source Redis database. If live replication is enabled the reader also subscribes to keyspace notifications to generate a continuous stream of keys.
  2. Reader threads iterate over the keys to read corresponding values (DUMP) and TTLs.
  3. Reader threads enqueue key/value/TTL tuples into the reader queue, from which the writer dequeues key/value/TTL tuples and writes them to the target Redis database by calling RESTORE and EXPIRE.

Type-based replication

In some cases dump and restore cannot be used. For example:

  • The target Redis database does not support the RESTORE command (Redis Enterprise CRDB)
  • Incompatible DUMP formats between source and target (Redis 7.0)

For these, RIOT includes another replication strategy called type-based replication, where each data type has a corresponding pair of read/write commands:

Type Read Write
String GET SET

To select this replication mechanism use the --type ds option:

Live type-based replication example

riot -h source -p 6379 replicate --type ds -h target -p 6380 --mode live
This replication strategy is more intensive in terms of CPU, memory, and network for the machines running RIOT. Adjust number of threads, batch, and queue sizes accordingly.

Migrating from ElastiCache

This recipe contains step-by-step instructions to migrate an ElastiCache (EC) database to Redis Enterprise (RE).

The following scenarios are covered:

  • One-time (snapshot) migration
  • Online (live) migration
It is recommended that you read the replication section (top of this document) to familiarize yourself with its usage and architecture.



For this recipe, you will require the following resources:

  • AWS ElastiCache: Primary Endpoint in case of Single Master and Configuration Endpoint in case of Clustered EC. Refer to this link to learn more.
  • Redis Enterprise: hosted on Cloud or On-Prem.
  • An Amazon EC2 instance.

Keyspace Notifications

For a live migration you need to enable keyspace notifications on your ElastiCache instance (see AWS Knowledge Center).

Migration host

To run the migration tool you will need an EC2 instance.

You can either create a new EC2 instance or leverage an existing one if available. In the example below you first create an instance on AWS Cloud Platform. The most common scenario is to access an ElastiCache cluster from an Amazon EC2 instance in the same Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC). Ubuntu 16.04 LTS is used for this setup, but you can choose the Ubuntu or Debian distribution of your choice.

SSH to this EC2 instance from your computer:

ssh -i “public key” <AWS EC2 Instance>

Install redis-cli on this new instance by running this command:

sudo apt update
sudo apt install -y redis-tools

Use redis-cli to check connectivity with the ElastiCache database:

redis-cli -h <ec primary endpoint> -p 6379

Ensure that the above command allows you to connect to the remote ElastiCache database successfully.

Install RIOT

Install RIOT on the EC2 instance you set up previously. Follow the Linux installation steps.

Performing migration

You're now set to begin the migration process. The options you will use depend on your source and target databases, as well as the replication mode (snapshot or live).

EC Single Master -> RE

riot -h <source EC host> -p <source EC port> replicate -h <target RE host> -p <target RE port> --pass <RE password>

Live EC Single Master -> RE

riot -h <source EC host> -p <source EC port> replicate --mode live -h <target RE host> -p <target RE port> --pass <RE password>

In case ElastiCache is configured with AUTH TOKEN enabled, you need to pass --tls as well as the --pass options:

riot -h <source EC host> -p <source EC port> --tls --pass <token> replicate -h <target RE host> -p <target RE port> --pass <RE password>

EC Cluster -> RE

riot -h <source EC host> -p <source EC port> --cluster replicate -h <target RE host> -p <target RE port> --pass <RE password>
--cluster is an important parameter used only for ElastiCache whenever cluster-mode is enabled. Do note that the source database is specified first and the target database is specified after the replicate command, and it is applicable for all the scenarios.

EC Single Master -> RE (with specific db index)

riot -h <source EC host> -p <source EC port> --db <index> replicate -h <target RE host> -p <target RE port> --pass <RE password>

EC Single Master -> RE with Redis Community Edition Cluster

riot -h <source EC host> -p <source EC port> replicate -h <target RE host> -p <target RE port> --pass <RE password> --cluster

Live EC Cluster -> RE with Redis Community Edition Cluster

riot -h <source EC host> -p <source EC port> --cluster replicate --mode live -h <target RE host> -p <target RE port> --pass <RE password> --cluster

Important Considerations

  • As stated earlier, this tool is not officially supported by Redis, Inc.
  • It is recommended to test migration in UAT before production use.
  • Once migration is completed, ensure that application traffic gets redirected to the Redis Enterprise endpoint successfully.
  • It is recommended to perform the migration process during periods of low traffic to avoid data loss.
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