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Redis Enterprise

Still running your operations on Redis open source? Building, deploying, and running Redis open source is consuming your team’s resources and they have better things to do. Redis Enterprise takes everything you love about Redis and unlocks its full potential, allowing you to run any real-time app at any scale, anywhere.

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Redis Open Source vs. Redis Enterprise

Running on Redis OSS? Redis Enterprise, built on top of Redis open source, is designed to deliver the Redis experience at enterprise scale. See how they compare below.

Redis Open SourceRedis Enterprise
Boost app performance with Redis cache
Support enterprise caching (read replica, write-behind, write-through)
BuildBuild any real-time app on Redis with flexibility for multiple data models and processing features for JSON, built-in search, and more
Rapid development with out-of-the-box object mapping libraries for Spring, ASP.NET Core, FastAPI, and Express including supported client libraries
RedisInsight, the best Redis user interface, including predefined developer guides and tools
Fully supported deployment on-premise or hybrid cloud, including Kubernetes
DeployAutomated deployment on any cloud or multicloud
Extend Redis in-memory capacity using SSD storage with exceptional throughput and low TCO using auto tiering for large datasets 
Transform slow data into real-time data and ingest data from external data sources in real-time using Redis Data Integration
Deliver consistent real-time customer experience globally with geo-distributed Redis
RunAutomated database and cluster management (scaling, re-sharding, rebalancing)
Built-in high-availability and disaster recovery management
Enterprise-grade customer support from the creators of Redis

See how Redis open source and Redis Enterprise compare in more detail.