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Join us at Redis Released

Redis Enterprise Search Applications Virtual Workshop
Learn to query and search

It’s no secret to anyone that customers are more impatient than ever. But you may not realize just how impatient they are – and what the impact could be on your business if you don’t meet their needs.  

According to Emplifi, a customer experience vendor: 

  • 61% of customers say they would switch after one bad experience.
  • 86% of consumers would leave a brand after as few as two poor experiences.

The good news is that investments taking advantage of real-time data pay off. According to the Centre for Economics and Business Research:

  • 80% of companies surveyed report revenue uplift due to real-time data analytics.
  • 98% of companies report increased positive customer satisfaction with real-time experiences.

Redis Enterprise real-time search capabilities help organizations deliver real-time performance for demanding use cases where responsiveness is paramount, and measured in sub-millisecond timelines – even with massive data sets. Among those use cases are e-commerce, real-time analytics, master data table lookups, and personalized customer 360-degree applications.

Join us for this free instructor-led professional services workshop that shows you how to deliver real-time query and search using Redis.


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Event speakers

Tom Solon

Professional Services Training Engineer, Redis

Tom Solon

Professional Services Training
Engineer, Redis

Michael Yuan, Senior Solution Architect, Redis

Michael Yuan

Senior Solution Architect


  • Real-Time Queries with Redis Enterprise
    • Redis Enterprise Architecture Overview
    • E-commerce Data Model
    • JSON Document, Search and Analytics
  • Application Development with Redis
    • Redis Data Structures
      • The difference between strings, sets, sorted sets, lists, and hashes – and when to use each one
      • Key eviction policies
      • RedisInsight demonstrations
  • RedisJSON Module
  • RediSearch Module
    • RedisInsight demonstration
  • RedisMart Application
    • Demo Architecture
    • Feature Demonstration
  • General Questions and Answers