Mountain View, April 30, 2020—Redis Labs, the home of Redis and provider of Redis Enterprise, today announced the availability of Redis 6.0 and the rollout of Redis Enterprise 6.0 beginning with the company’s cloud offering. This release is a significant milestone for the Redis open-source project, representing the highest number of commits from across the Redis community.
Redis 6.0 incorporates new security capabilities, most notably access control lists (ACLs). Redis Enterprise 6.0, meanwhile, builds on the open-source release with role-based access control (RBAC) and support for Redis Streams for Active-Active databases to give customers foundational new security and operational capabilities as they increasingly rely on Redis for primary-database use cases.
“We want to keep Redis as an extremely fast-moving project while ensuring every release continues to offer developers the easiest and broadest deployment options,” said Alvin Richards, Chief Product Officer at Redis Labs. “Redis 6.0 delivers core security functionality required for large application environments while keeping the light footprint and sub-millisecond performance developers expect from Redis. Building on this, Redis Enterprise 6.0’s enhanced capabilities will enable customers to deploy the most secure distribution of Redis.”
Redis 6.0 includes ACLs to enable administrators to enhance operational security and reduce the risk of mistakes by users while enabling the most efficient deployment of these controls. For commercial customers, Redis Enterprise 6.0 allows administrators to scale their Redis ACLs with RBAC to ensure they are deploying consistent policies across all their cluster’s databases.
Developers increasingly need to build geographically distributed event-based applications, and now they can do it seamlessly using Redis Streams with disaster recovery in mind. Redis Enterprise now enables customers to leverage CRDT-based Active-Active technology to read and write from a stream in multiple replicas. By using Active-Active Redis Streams, developers can guarantee their stream sequence and entries’ uniqueness, and scale stream processing by consumer groups across regions or instances.
To learn more about the latest capabilities in Redis and Redis Enterprise 6.0, join thousands of developers, architects, and other technical leaders from around the globe for a free, virtual event, RedisConf 2020 Takeaway, on May 12-13. In addition to the keynote from Redis creator Salvatore Sanfilippo, there will be sessions on Redis 6.0 from community members and free hands-on training on May 13.
Additional information and timing
Read more about the Redis and Redis Enterprise 6.0 releases on the Redis Labs blog.
Redis Enterprise 6.0 will be gradually rolled out to customers over the coming weeks. Current customers can contact Redis Labs starting today to request early access to Redis Enterprise 6.0 to download or for their Redis Enterprise Cloud databases.
Data is the lifeline of every business, and Redis helps organizations reimagine how fast they can process, analyze, make predictions, and take action on the data they generate. Redis provides a competitive edge to any business by delivering open source and enterprise-grade data platforms to power applications that drive real-time experiences at any scale. Developers rely on Redis to build performance, scalability, reliability, and security into their applications.
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