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Redis Enterprise on Intel® Optane™ DC Persistent Memory Offers Cost-Effective Scaling to Petabytes

Benchmark tests demonstrate substantial cost savings while maintaining Redis’ sub-millisecond performance

San Francisco, April 2, 2019Redis, the home of Redis and provider of Redis Enterprise, today announced Redis Enterprise customers can now scale their datasets to multi-petabyte, cost-effectively, at sub-millisecond speeds with the general release of Intel® Optane™ DC persistent memory.

Redis Enterprise is a reliable, linearly scalable, high-performance, in-memory multi-model database supporting native data structures, probabilistic data-structure, streams, document, graph, time series, AI, and search; supports multi-cloud and hybrid deployments with active-active CRDT-based technology and powers high-speed transactions, recommendation engines, data ingest, session management, real-time analytics, caching, and numerous other instant experience use cases. Designed and optimized to be operated in either mode of Intel’s persistent memory technology – Memory Mode and App Direct Mode – Redis Enterprise gives customers the flexibility to use the most effective mode to process their massive data sets quickly and affordably.

Redis has collaborated closely with Intel throughout the development of Intel Optane DC persistent memory to deliver technology that would offer the high-performance for which Redis Enterprise is renowned. In benchmark testing conducted by the companies, Redis Enterprise has shown that a single cluster node with a multi-terabyte dataset can support over one million operations per second at sub-millisecond latency while serving over 80 percent of the requests from persistent memory. Additionally, as compared to a traditional DRAM-only memory configuration and pricing projections, Redis Enterprise on Intel Optane DC persistent memory offered more than 40 percent cost savings in this scenario1.

“Enterprises are faced with increasingly massive datasets that require instantaneous processing across multiple data-models. With Intel Optane DC persistent memory, combining with the rich data models supported by Redis Enterprise, global enterprises can now achieve sub-millisecond latency while processing millions of operations per second with affordable server infrastructure costs,” said Alvin Richards, chief product officer at Redis. “Through our close collaboration with Intel, Redis Enterprise on Intel Optane DC persistent memory our customers will not have to compromise on performance, scale, and budget for their multi-terabyte datasets.”

Redis Enterprise is now available for any cloud service or as downloadable software for hardware with Intel Optane DC persistent memory support. You can read more about the performance and cost benefits of Redis Enterprise on Intel’s persistent memory here.

Redis will be showing how to get the most of Redis Enterprise on Intel’s persistent memory at RedisConf19 on Wednesday, April 3 at Pier 27 in San Francisco. For more information visit the conference website.

For more information on Intel Optane DC persistent memory, please visit here.

1 Projections based on pricing estimates as of Q2’19 and are subject to change.


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