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Redis Labs Announces Active-Active Geo Distribution

Sophisticated Conflict-free Replicated Data Types provide simplified development and consistent globally distributed data sets

Mountain View, November 28, 2017—Redis, the home of Redis and provider of Redis Enterprise, today announced that Redis Enterprise is now available with Active-Active geographic distribution. The use of cutting-edge CRDT (Conflict-Free Replicated Datatypes) technology allows Redis databases to be deployed globally yet provide local latencies for writes and reads, while simplifying resolution of conflicts and enabling strong eventual consistency for datasets.

Active-Active geo distribution using CRDTs in Redis Enterprise advances Redis’ mission to support instant responses for businesses that run fast. The built-in smart conflict resolution based on CRDTs, ensures that applications can read and write operations on the same dataset and globally distributed replicas all converge to the same state. Databases that rely on standard Active-Passive replication impose WAN latencies during read or writes, since all writes have to be directed to a single replica. Non-CRDT based Active-Active databases require application developers to manage the complexity of handling conflicts or consistency issues that arise from writes to the same dataset from different replicas.

Benefits of CRDT-based Active-Active architectures include:

• Guaranteed local latencies for both read and write operations, utilizing consensus free protocols to maintain consistency
• Built-in conflict resolution for simple and complex data-types that simplifies app development and global deployment
• Streamlined implementation of modern app scenarios, such as distributed session management, distributed counters, multi-user metering, and many more
• Strong eventual consistency delivers converging consistent views of the data, effortlessly
• Safer cross-geo failover, with automatic, intelligent sync between active databases, that avoids incorrect overwrites and loss of state

This capability is especially groundbreaking for use cases in ecommerce, IoT, collaboration, metering, personalization and fraud detection, where high availability, resilience for failure scenarios, and tracking multiple simultaneous events are paramount.

“The move to data-driven decision making is one of the core business imperatives behind digital transformation,” said Matt Aslett, Research Director, Data Platforms and Analytics, 451 Research. “Enterprises are increasingly looking at innovative database technologies such as geo-distributed data processing as enablers in efforts to support the responsiveness and scalability required by modern applications, while meeting performance and regulatory requirements.”

“Our vision for Redis Enterprise is to deliver sophisticated advances for real-time modern applications with its characteristic high performance and simplicity,” said Yiftach Shoolman, co-founder and CTO at Redis. “Enterprises of any size with globally distributed applications will gain significant time to market and operational advantages with our approach to Active-Active CRDT based geo distribution.”

About Redis

Data is the lifeline of every business, and Redis helps organizations reimagine how fast they can process, analyze, make predictions, and take action on the data they generate. Redis provides a competitive edge to any business by delivering open source and enterprise-grade data platforms to power applications that drive real-time experiences at any scale. Developers rely on Redis to build performance, scalability, reliability, and security into their applications.

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