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Whitepages Selects Redis Labs to Support Flagship Product

Redis Enterprise saves Whitepages up to 70% in infrastructure costs while delivering single digit latency

Mountain View, Calif., April 18, 2017—Redis, the home of Redis and provider of Redis Enterprise, today announced that Whitepages, Inc. has chosen Redis Enterprise as the primary database driving its flagship digital identity verification product. Redis’ breakthrough approach of extending Redis from RAM to Flash SSDs, with built-in intelligent data tiering, drastically reduces Whitepages’ operational costs without sacrificing performance. By leveraging Redis on Flash, Whitepages uses a fraction of the RAM storage previously used, saving them hundreds of thousands of dollars in infrastructure investment each year.

As Whitepages expands its identity dataset to achieve global reach, it relies on Redis Enterprise to maintain sub-hundred millisecond latency of its application and provide a consistent end-user experience of its digital identity verification services for businesses and consumers. The company’s innovative people search tools are powered by more than five billion and growing global identity records. On average, the proprietary Identity GraphTM solution makes 150,000 to 200,000 calls per second to the three-terabyte database and can even surpass this number during peak hours.

“Our Identity Graph product handles an amount of data not typically seen in the enterprise, and because of its size, our applications are extremely latency-sensitive,” said Heather Wade, VP of engineering with Whitepages. “Redis Enterprise provided the single-digit latency we required and allows us to meet our customer SLAs every time. At Whitepages, customer experience is our priority and we are able to deliver top-of-the-line services without compromising performance to all our customers.”

Whitepages tested the performance and reliability of other competitive solutions but found that none could handle the full dataset size and still provide the single-digit latency that Redis could deliver.

“Our applications are extremely latency sensitive,” says Varun Kumar, principal architect at Whitepages. “For example, when customers call our API for identity verification in the middle of an e-commerce purchase, it’s just one of many calls being made for that transaction. In this way, latency quickly multiplies and with our customer SLAs promising sub-hundred millisecond latency, there’s no room for error.”

As the company expanded globally and saw its database rapidly balloon, other solutions became unwieldy and resource-intensive.

“Whitepages has little room for error when it comes to handling time-sensitive customer transactions and this use case proves that there is a solution out there that can handle any scale and any amount of data without dragging down performance,” said Oren Yaqobi, VP customer success, of Redis. “We look forward to supporting new, cutting-edge services with Whitepages as they continue to expand globally.”

Whitepages will be presenting their case study, “Scaling with Whitepages Global Identity Graph Dataset Without Sacrificing on Latency,” during RedisConf18 on April 25, 2018. Register for the event and join more than 1,000 Redis enthusiasts participating in 75+ sessions, technical training tracks, developer hangouts and more.

For more information about Redis on Flash, please visit: /redis-enterprise-documentation/concepts-architecture/memory-architecture/redis-flash/

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