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White Paper

Total Cost Comparison: Redis Enterprise vs. AWS DynamoDB

Total Cost Comparison: Redis Enterprise vs. AWS DynamoDB

You have plenty of factors to consider when you choose a database. Among them: data portability, usability, security, product support, and the ease of hiring people who are experienced with the environment. But ultimately, money matters.

You certainly should think about matters other than cost when you make a database choice, but it is undeniably important. In this white paper, we provide a detailed cost comparison of two databases: Redis Enterprise and AWS DynamoDB.

To give you a clear picture of how the prices for these two databases compare, we analyzed three scenarios:

  1. Scenario 1: 200 GB dataset size, requiring 5k ops/sec throughput
  2. Scenario 2: 1000 GB dataset, requiring 30k ops/sec throughput
  3. Scenario 3: 3000 GB dataset, requiring 100k ops/sec throughput

Many successful applications fall into one of these three scenarios, so it’s a good starting point to assess costs.

Our conclusion: Redis Enterprise offers savings across the board. Sure, you’d expect us to say that, but we back up our assertions. Redis Enterprise’s reserved instance resulted in average savings of 49% as compared to DynamoDB’s reserved instance, while Redis’ on-demand instance generated up to 66% in savings. These savings are also consistent for Redis Enterprise’s flash and cloud resources, making it a more cost-effective option than DynamoDB. Please download our white paper for a closer look at these cost comparisons and to judge for yourself.

Redis Enterprise is not just more cost-effective than DynamoDB. It is also fundamentally richer in development features, with a wide range of built-in data structures. Redis can process advanced data with low latencies. It is well-known for its high availability, data persistence, linear scalability, automatic failover, and, of course, its active-active dataset distribution mechanism. In fact, all of these different features make Redis Enterprise even more cost-effective, because it orchestrates exceptional performance using minimal resources.

Redis Enterprise also protects businesses that are reassessing their data requirements or changing their operating environments. You can set up hybrid clusters that span clouds and on-premises environments, which means you are not tied down to any one provider or location. Whitepages is one such business; after initially storing its data on Amazon ElastiCache, Whitepages wanted a database that could handle large amounts of data while still providing single-digit latency — and Redis Enterprise was that database.

To learn more about how Redis Enterprise could be a cost-effective solution for your company, and the other considerations you should contemplate when choosing a database, please download our white paper.

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