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Caches, Promises and Locks

Instagram recently published a post on their engineering blog about the concept of promisifying cached values. The idea is that, on a cache miss, it takes a while to fetch the missing value, which could cause stampedes on the underlying DBMS that the cache is supposed to protect. A stampede, among other things, consists of multiple parallel requests that, on a cache miss, trigger multiple instances of the same work to populate the cache (see below)

In their post, Instagram’s Nick Cooper showcases the idea of storing a dummy value (i.e. the promise) in the cache to signal to competing requesters that someone else is preparing the data, so they know to wait instead of hitting the DBMS to death. This is the article I’m referring to, it also received a few comments on Hacker News.

This idea is not new (it’s one of the features you get out of the box with read/write-through caches, since they handle the database transparently), but I think it’s very good and worth discussing. In this post, I’ll share a simple implementation of this approach and how you can get out of it even more benefits than typically offered with (r/w)-through caches.

Hello Redis

Before going into the details of how my implementation works, here’s an overview of what I was able to achieve after mapping this use case to Redis operations. My implementation:

  1. Works across different languages. A client only needs a Redis client library and knowledge of the key naming scheme in use. It can then generate/resolve promises with any other client, across process and network boundaries.
  2. Scales efficiently in a clustered deployment. Redis can uniquely provide this benefit without polling or other wasteful patterns.
  3. Effectively balances the tradeoff between avoiding useless work and maintaining scalability. As part of a distributed system, a stronger guarantee would necessitate much more coordination.

My implementation primarily relies on three Redis features: key expiration (TTL), atomic operations (SET NX) and Pub/Sub. More generally, I made good use of the principle I explained in a previous post:

Shared state begets coordination and vice-versa.

Redis understands this very well, which is why it’s so easy to build this kind of abstraction using it. In this case, the Pub/Sub messaging functionality helps us tie together a locking mechanism to easily create a real cross-network promise system.

Introducing MemoLock

I’m calling my implementation of this pattern Redis MemoLock. At a high level, it works as follows:

  1. As a service instance, when we need to fetch foo, we look for it in Redis. If it’s there, we’re done.
  2. If the key is not present, we try to create a lock:foo key using SET NX. The NX option ensures that if there are concurrent requests, only one will be able to set the key successfully (the value is not important).
  3. If we are able to acquire the lock, it’s our job to go fetch the value. Once we’re done, we save it to Redis and send a message on a Pub/Sub channel called notif:foo to notify all other potentially awaiting clients that the value is now available.
  4. If we are not able to acquire the lock, we just subscribe to the Pub/Sub channel called notif:foo and wait for the instance that succeeded in doing so to notify us that the value is now available (as described in the previous step).

In practice, the algorithm is slightly more complex so we can get the concurrency right and handle timeouts (locks/promises that can’t expire are borderline useless in a distributed environment). Our naming scheme is also slightly more complicated because I opted to give a namespace to each resource, in order to allow multiple independent services to use the same cluster without risking key name collisions. Other than that, there is really not much complexity required to solve this problem.

The code

You can find my code here on GitHub. I’ve published a Go implementation, and soon I’ll add a C# one in conjunction with my upcoming talk at NDC Oslo (and probably more languages in the future). Here’s a code example from the Go version:

package main

import (

func main () {
    // First, we need a redis connection pool:
    r := redis.NewClient(&redis.Options{
        Addr:     "localhost:6379", // use default Addr
        Password: "",               // no password set
        DB:       0,                // use default DB

    // A memolock instance handles multiple resources of the same type,
    // all united by the same tag name, which will be then used as a key
    // prefix in Redis.
    queryResourceTag := "likes"
    queryMemoLock, _ := memolock.NewRedisMemoLock(r, queryResourceTag, 5 * time.Second)
    // This instance has a 5 second default lock timeout:
    // Later in the code you can use the memolock to cache the result of a function and
    // make sure that multiple requests don't cause a stampede.

    // Here I'm requesting a queryset (saved in Redis as a String) and providing  
    // a function that can be used if the value needs to be generated:
    resourceID := "kristoff"
    requestTimeout := 10 * time.Second
    cachedQueryset, _ := queryMemoLock.GetResource(resourceID, requestTimeout, 
        func () (string, time.Duration, error) {
            fmt.Println("Cache miss!\n")
            // Sleeping to simulate work. 
            <- time.After(2 * time.Second)

            result := fmt.Sprintf(`{"user":"%s", "likes": ["redis"]}`, resourceID)
            // The function will return a value, a cache time-to-live, and an error.
            // If the error is not nil, it will be returned to you by GetResource()
            return result, 5 * time.Second, nil

    fmt.Println("Launch the script multiple times, see what changes. Use redis-cli to see what happens in Redis.")

If you run two instances of this program within 5 seconds, “Cache miss!” will only show once, regardless of whether your first execution already concluded (i.e. the value was cached) or is still computing (sleeping instead of doing useful work, in the case of this sample code).

Why is this better than an out-of-the-box solution?

Two big reasons:

  1. A MemoLock can protect not just a DBMS, but any kind of resource that’s expensive to generate. Think PDF generation (you could store the file in a CDN and save a link to it in Redis using MemoLock), running AI models, or really any expensive-but-online computation you might have.
  2. Even if we want to restrict ourselves to just queryset caching, CQRS teaches us that the way data is stored in a DBMS is not necessarily the format most useful for a given query. You don’t want to re-transform the data for every request and the code that does the transformation should be part of your service, not of a stored procedure unless you have a good reason for it to be.

This brings us to the reason I called my solution MemoLock. If you generalize the promisified caching idea to cache not only queries, but any (serializable) output of a (pure-ish) function call, you are talking about memoization (not memorization). If you’ve never heard about memoization, read more about it — it’s an interesting concept.

In conclusion

The pattern described by Instagram isn’t surprisingly new, but it’s worth discussing. Better caching can help a ton of use cases, and we, as an industry, are not always fully familiar with the concept for promises, especially when it’s outside the scope of a single process. Try out the code on GitHub and let me know if you like it.