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Learn How to Easily Build and Deploy Real-time Applications with Redis Enterprise on Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform

On March 29, Rob Szumski, Principal Product Manager at Red Hat will join Redis for a webinar to discuss how Kubernetes and OpenShift will help you accelerate application delivery with Redis Enterprise. This session will cover how containers and OpenShift automates Kubernetes tasks and how the Redis Enterprise Operator lets you run stateful databases so you can more easily manage the lifecycle of your Redis deployments in your Kubernetes cluster.

Why register for this session?

Kubernetes is hard. Not everyone can be Kelsey Hightower. Over the past few years developers have been leading the charge using open source software and innovative tooling to build cloud-native applications. As a result, DevOps teams are challenged to manage portable services across different clouds, without taking on the risk of deploying unsupported technologies.

The introduction of Operators for Kubernetes and OpenShift makes it easier for DevOps, to extend Kubernetes using custom resources and custom controllers to manage your applications that run on Kubernetes. The central idea of an Operator is to encode the best practices for deploying and managing container-based applications as code. This frees up DevOps teams from doing all the grunt work of managing applications and allows them to focus on higher-level tasks.

Red Hat recently announced, which fills an important gap for the Kubernetes community with a curated set of Operators. By standardizing the Operator Framework and lifecycle, Red Hat is working with the broader community of developers and ISVs to provide DevOps teams with the essential Kubernetes tooling for administrators to provision, update, scale, and manage the lifecycle of apps and services no matter where they reside.

Redis and Red Hat share a common vision, around our open source ecosystem, to provide more advanced tooling to manage complex stateful applications with Kubernetes and OpenShift. Redis has worked very closely with Red Hat to simplify and automate the creation and management of highly available Redis Enterprise on the OpenShift Container Platform with built-in support for Redis Enterprise Operator for Kubernetes. Additionally, to help customers reduce risk and ensure business continuity, Redis Enterprise Active-Active support was recently introduced for geographically distributed applications to persist Redis Application data with Conflict-free Replicated Databases (CRDB) on OpenShift.

Join us

In addition to the presentation, Adi Foulger, Principal Architect at Redis, will provide a Demo featuring the Redis Enterprise Operator on OpenShift. By the end of the talk you will have a better understanding of where the Kubernetes and OpenShift is heading to make it easier to manage applications that run on Kubernetes and how to manage Redis Enterprise in your Kubernetes and OpenShift cluster.

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