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Redis Labs’ Multi-Model Database Recognized as a NoSQL Leader

We’re honored to announce that Forrester Research this week cited Redis as a Leader in The Forrester WaveTM: Big Data NoSQL, Q1 2019. In this evaluation, we believe that the leading independent research firm placed us as a leader based on Redis’ high-performance and multi-model approach, which powers a broad set of enterprise applications. In fact, we received the third-highest score out of 15 vendors in the current offering category, with Forrester noting that “Customer references like its innovation for machine learning apps, performance, scale, customer support, and support for diverse NoSQL use cases.”

For this research, Forrester identified, analyzed and scored key-value, document and graph database vendors across 26 criteria, evaluating each provider’s offering, strategy and market presence. The report highlights some of Redis and Redis Enterprise’s key capabilities, stating “Redis is a multi-model, open source, in-memory database platform whose key development is currently sponsored by Redis. Redis supports both relaxed and strong consistency, a flexible schema-less model, high availability, and ease of deployment. An enterprise version encapsulates the open source software and provides additional capabilities for geo-distributed active-active deployments (multi-cloud, hybrid, on-premises) with high availability and linear scaling, while supporting the open source API.”

NoSQL has become critical for business to support a new generation of applications — which depend on real-time data to deliver an instant experience, requiring databases that can be deployed on multiple clouds, on-premises or in a hybrid architecture. This demand helped the category grow leaps and bounds over the past decade, as NoSQL went from supporting simple schema-less apps to becoming a mission-critical data platform for large Fortune 1000 companies (including the 70% of Fortune 10 companies that use Redis Enterprise as their primary database). According to Forrester, half of global data and analytics technology decision makers either have implemented or are implementing flexible NoSQL platforms.

To learn more, read our press release or click to download the full research.