Install Redis Enterprise Software

Install Redis Enterprise Software on Linux.

Redis Enterprise Software

After you plan your deployment, download a Redis Enterprise Software installation package, and finish installation preparation:

  1. Install the Redis Enterprise Software package on one of the nodes in the cluster.

  2. Repeat this process for each node in the cluster.

For installation on machines without an internet connection, see Offline installation.

Permissions and access

  • Redis Enterprise Software installation creates the redislabs:redislabs user and group.

    Assigning other users to the redislabs group is optional. Users belonging to the redislabs group have permission to read and execute (e.g. use the rladmin status command) but are not allowed to write (or delete) files or directories.

  • Redis Enterprise Software is certified to run with permissions set to 750, an industry standard.

    Do not reduce permissions to 700. This configuration has not been tested and is not supported.

More info and options

If you've already installed Redis Enterprise Software, you can also:

To learn more about customization and find answers to related questions, see:

Next steps

After your cluster is set up with nodes, you can:

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