Create a Redis Enterprise Software database

Create a database with Redis Enterprise Software.

Redis Enterprise Software

Redis Enterprise Software lets you create databases and distribute them across a cluster of nodes.

To create a new database:

  1. Sign in to the Cluster Manager UI at https://<hostname>:8443

  2. Use one of the following methods to create a new database:

  3. If you did not specify a port number for the database, you can find the port number in the Endpoint field in the Databases > Configuration > General section.

  4. Test client connectivity.

For databases with Active-Active replication for geo-distributed locations, see Create an Active-Active database. To create and manage Active-Active databases, use the legacy UI.

Quick database

To quickly create a database and skip additional configuration options during initial creation:

  1. On the Databases screen, select Quick database.

  2. Select a Redis version from the Database version list.

  3. Configure settings that are required for database creation but can be changed later:

    • Database name

    • Memory limit (GB)

  4. Configure optional settings that can't be changed after database creation:

    • Endpoint port (set by the cluster if not set manually)

    • Capabilities (previously modules) to enable

  5. Optionally select Full options to configure additional settings.

  6. Select Create.

Create database

To create a new database and configure additional settings:

  1. Open the Create database menu with one of the following methods:

    • Click the + button next to Databases in the navigation menu:

      Create database menu has two options: Single Region and Active-Active database.
    • Go to the Databases screen and select Create database:

      Create database menu has two options: Single Region and Active-Active database.
  2. Select the database type:

    • Single Region

    • Active-Active database - Multiple participating Redis Enterprise clusters can host instances of the same Active-Active database in different geographic locations. Every instance can receive write operations, which are synchronized across all instances without conflict.

    For Active-Active databases, see Create an Active-Active geo-replicated database.
  3. Select a Redis version from the Database version list.

  4. Enter a Database name.

    • Maximum of 63 characters

    • Only letters, numbers, or hyphens (-) are valid characters

    • Must start and end with a letter or digit

    • Case-sensitive

  5. To configure additional database settings, expand each relevant section to make changes.

    See Configuration settings for more information about each setting.

  6. Select Create.

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