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Explore Redis on Google Cloud

Redis Cloud on Google Cloud is a fully managed, real-time data platform. Built for speed, Redis is the most popular NoSQL database among developers. Get started today with a free credit to try Redis on the Google Marketplace.

Build in real time

Redis Cloud is designed to enhance your app’s performance and reliability. It’s the only version of Redis that provides five-nines SLA, global reach with local latency, and cross-region disaster recovery—all while meeting real-time data needs at any scale.

Compare Redis Enterprise and Google Cloud Memorystore

What our customers say

Make AI innovation achievable

Redis Cloud supports GenAI workloads and makes it easy to build AI apps so developers can focus on improving efficiency, reducing costs, and enhancing performance by:

  • Providing the default vector database for OpenGPTs a low-code, open-source framework for building custom AI agents. See why LangChain chose Redis Cloud.
  • Letting developers build LLM apps using existing Redis investments and the Google Vertex AI platform’s integrated generative AI capabilities.
  • Maximizing productivity with coding support from Duet AI to let developers quickly leverage best practices and generate code to improve apps via natural language chat. 
  • Accelerating time to market and focus on crafting LLM apps with Redis vector and semantic search capabilities available via Google Cloud Marketplace

Seamless integration and deployment

Deploying Redis Cloud on Google Cloud is straightforward, and  makes integrating with existing apps easier than ever. With just a few clicks, teams  can have a Redis instance up and running, fully managed and ready to power even the  most demanding apps. The process is designed with simplicity in mind to ensure every team spends less time on setup and more on innovation.

Check out the Redis Cloud quick start guide  to learn more about connecting to a Redis instance on GCP.

Rich features and capabilities

Beyond functions as a database and cache, Redis on Google Cloud offers a rich set of additional features, including:

  • Data structures. Redis supports a wide array of data structures, including strings, hashes, lists, sets, and more, to offer more flexibility over how teams store and manage data.
  • Pub/Sub capabilities. Implement efficient messaging systems with our Pub/Sub features that allow multiple services to communicate effectively and in real-time.
  • Persistence options. Redis instances can be configured for various persistence options, ensuring all data remains safe during restarts and failures.
  • Extensive monitoring and insights. Google Cloud provides extensive monitoring and logging capabilities, giving teams insights into Redis performance and allowing for informed decision making about scaling and optimization.

Deployment flexibility for any size org

Redis Cloud provides deployment flexibility for every step of the cloud journey. From deploying on Google Cloud to supporting a wide range of workloads, from simple caching to complex data processing and managing single instances or orchestrating large clusters, we keep every instance  running optimally. Redis is also available for Kubernetes, providing a simple way to deploy a Redis cluster in more complex deployment scenarios, including  switching easily from open source.

When you deploy in Google Marketplace with an existing Google Cloud commitment, Redis will appear as a line item on a unified bill that counts toward your burndown. Leverage the marketplace to provision according to any team’s unique needs while benefiting from:

  • Enterprise-grade functionality and scalability with 99.999% uptime
  • Global distribution with local latency 
  • Cost-effective multi-tenancy and auto-tiering
  • Support for multi-model capabilities and advanced use cases like real-time search and vector database

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