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Redis Software Support Policy

Last Updated: October 4, 2024
If Customer licensed Redis Software prior to March 12, 2024, please see legacy Support Services terms.

Redis offers Support Services for paid versions of the Software. This Support Policy describes the applicable support package levels and processes that apply to the Support Services Customer has licensed, and is incorporated into the terms of the Redis Software Agreement available at: or any other agreement between Customer and Redis governing the use of the Support Services (the “Agreement”). Any capitalized terms used but not defined in this Support Policy are defined in the Agreement.

1. Definitions.

Business Hours or BH means the Redis hours of operation (9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.) in the region of Customer’s domicile.

Database Instance means any Redis process, including a master database process, a replica database process, or a database process that acts as a shard of a clustered database, that has been provisioned by the Customer with connection to the Software through the Software management user interface, the application program interface, or a command line interface. Database Instances are collectively, a “Database.”

Developer Assistance means prioritized feature requests and bug fixes for Redis Developer Tools projects. This also includes help in configuring and integrating Developer Tools in testing, staging, and UAT environments.

Major Release means a version of the Software made generally available by Redis with improvements and bug fixes, represented by a change in the number to the left or right of the first decimal point (e.g., change from 1.1.0 to 2.1.0 or from 1.1.0 to 1.2.0). A Major Release is a “Release.”

Minor Release means a version change represented by a change in the number to the right of the last decimal point. A Minor is a “Release.”

Redis Clients means the specific open-source Redis client libraries supported by Redis. These include the Redis clients listed in the Documentation at: Redis may update this list from time to time.

Redis Developer Tools means specific open-source tools as follows: (a) Redis Data Connectors, including RIOT (Redis Input/Output Tools), and Redis Kafka Connect as described here; and (b) Redis Developer Suite, including Redis Smart Cache and Redis OM Spring as described here. Redis may update these lists from time to time.

Redis Observability means specific open-source tools, including Grafana Redis dashboards and configurations, Redis Datasource for Grafana, Datadog integration, and Dynatrace integration, available with the applicable Support Package as described here. Redis may update this list from time to time.

Software-Related Data means data of Customer’s use of the Software including Database Instance deployment information, Software script results, Software log files, Software configuration files, or other information reasonably requested by Redis.

Support Package means the applicable tier of Support Services purchased by Customer.

Support Services means the services described in this Support Policy, and does not include one-time services or other services not specified in this Support Policy (such as training or Professional Services).

Technical Contacts means the applicable identified individuals within Customer’s organization who are responsible and certified for the administration of the Support Services.

Technical Account Manager means a Redis personnel member assigned to Customer’s account who provides onboarding support, operational assistance, quarterly reviews of Software architecture, and communication on patches and bug fixes to Customer.

2. Support Services Description.

2.1 Availability. All Customers with paid versions of the Software receive Support Services.  Support Services do not apply to: (i) use of the Software on platforms or operating systems that are no longer supported by Redis; (ii) Trial Subscriptions; (iii) Evaluation Software; or (iv) Previews.

2.2 Support Package. The availability of a Support Package is determined by Customer’s total annual Software fees as specified in the applicable Transaction. Customer has the same Support Package for all Software licensed (i.e., Customer cannot purchase different Support Packages for different Databases). The Support Services provided by Redis to Customer for the Software and certain of its components depend on the applicable Support Package shown in Table 1 – Support Services Packages as follows:

Table 1 – Support Services Packages

ServiceBasicDeveloperBusinessEnterprisePremium Enterprise
Software ReleasesIncludedIncludedIncludedIncludedIncluded
Support PortalIncludedIncludedIncludedIncludedIncluded
Phone Support24×724×724×7
Root-Cause AnalysisIncludedIncluded
Technical SupportBusiness HoursBusiness Hours24×724×724×7
Support for Self-Managed
Full SupportFull SupportFull Support
Response TimesP1: 8 BH
P2: 8 BH
P3: 8 BH
P4: 16 BH
P1: 1 hour
P2: 4 hours
P3: 8 BH
P4: 16 BH
P1: 30 minutes
P2: 2 hours
P3: 8 BH
P4: 16 BH
P1: 15 minutes
P2: 45 minutes
P3: 8 BH
P4: 16 BH
Technical Account ManagerIncluded (1 location)Included (2 locations)
Ticket EscalationIncludedIncludedIncluded
Redis Insight IncludedIncludedIncludedIncluded
Redis Clients IncludedIncludedIncludedIncluded
Redis Data IntegrationIncludedIncludedIncludedIncluded
Redis ObservabilityIncludedIncluded
Redis Developer ToolsIncludedIncluded

2.3 Developer Tool Support. For Enterprise and Premium Enterprise Support Packages, Redis will provide Developer Assistance for Redis Developer Tools and Redis Observability during Business Hours without Response Times.

2.4 Technical Account Manager. For Enterprise and Premium Enterprise Support Packages, Redis will designate the applicable number of Technical Account Managers and identify them to Customer. Technical Account Managers are different from Redis personnel who provide the Support Services.

2.5 Software Upgrades. At no additional fee to Customer, Redis will provide Customer with the new versions of the Software that Redis generally releases (at its sole discretion), including updates of existing functionalities and bug fixes to prior versions. Releases are provided subject to the terms of the Agreement.

2.6 Redis End of Life Policy. Redis’ Support Services cover each Major Release for 18 months after the general release of the subsequent Major Release (the “Support Period”). During the Support Period, Redis will provide: (a) Minor Releases of that Major Release; and (b) updates of existing functionality and bug fixes for the latest Minor Release (but not prior Minor Releases or the Major Release if Minor Releases have been issued since the Major Release). Upon expiration of the Support Period, the current Major Release and all its Minor Releases will reach their End of Life (“EOL”). After a Major Release has reached its EOL, Redis will not support, in any way, such Major Release or its Minor Releases. Support Services only cover use of the Software on the platform or operating system versions that are specified by Redis.

3. Support Services Process.

3.1 Support Tickets. Customer Technical Contacts may create a support ticket (a “Ticket”) 24 hours a day, 7 days a week through: (a) Redis’ web ticketing system at (the “Portal”); and/or (b) if Customer’s Support Package is at the Business level and above, through a call to the phone number provided by Redis. Support is provided in the English language only.

3.2 Ticket Resolution. Redis will make commercially reasonable efforts to resolve any Ticket detailing a material and verifiable failure of the Support Services to conform to its Documentation. Such efforts may include helping with diagnoses, suggesting workarounds, providing patches, or providing a new Release. Redis will not provide Support Services for: (a) use of the Support Services in a manner inconsistent with the Documentation; (b) modifications to the Software not provided by or approved in writing by Redis; or (c) use of the Software with products or software not provided or approved in writing by Redis.

3.3 Ticket Priority Level and Response Times. Redis will: (a) reasonably assess and assign each Ticket a priority level (“Priority Level”), as defined in Table 2 – Priority Level Definitions below; (b) respond to each Ticket according to Customer’s applicable Support Package; and (c) confirm the Priority Level with Customer’s Technical Contact and, if needed, resolve any disagreement regarding the Priority Level as soon as reasonably practicable. Response Times apply for production Databases of the licensed Software.

Table 2 – Priority Level Definitions

P1 – CriticalA catastrophic problem in Customer’s production Database that results in the inability to access Customer data or in loss of Customer data. Not applicable for non-production Databases.
P2 – HighA significant problem in Customer’s production Database that could disrupt essential operations, without impact on data availability and with no data loss. Not applicable for non-production Databases.
P3 – ModerateA moderate problem in Customer’s production or non-production Database that involves partial or limited loss of non-critical functionality, another problem not involving loss in functionality, or not preventing continued essential operations. P3 – Moderate also includes any problem relating to non-production test and development Databases.
P4 – LowA general usage question or minor problem. It also includes enhancement or modification requests. There is no impact on the quality, performance, or functionality of Customer production or non-production Databases.

3.4 Ticket Escalation Process. This Section applies to Customers with Support Packages of Business and above. If the business impact of the problem has changed or was not correctly stated in the Ticket by the Technical Contact initially, Customer will request to have the Priority Level of the Ticket raised. If Customer encounters a P1 – Critical technical problem with its production Database (e.g., Database Instances are down or inaccessible) and Customer is not satisfied with the response or resolution provided by Redis for such problem, Customer may escalate the Ticket as described in Table 3 – Support Ticket Escalation (an “Escalation Request”):

Table 3 – Support Ticket Escalation

Escalation PathDescription
Step 1Verify that the Ticket is up-to-date and all requested information and files have been provided, and ask for escalation through one of the channels listed in Section 3.1 above, indicating the: (a) Ticket number; (b) Technical Contact’s details; and (c) reason for escalation.
Step 2A Support Services engineer or an operator will take Customer’s information and generate an Escalation Request.
Step 3Once an Escalation Request has been received, Redis’ Support Services team will respond to the Technical Contact to acknowledge the Escalation Request, determine the mode of communication, and frequency of updates. Redis will work to ensure that the appropriate resources are available to identify a solution or a workaround.

3.5 Root Cause Analysis. For P1 – Critical and P2 – High Tickets, Redis will: (a) perform a root-cause analysis to identify the cause of such failure in a reasonable time frame after closure of the Ticket; and (b) provide Customer with a report detailing the cause of, and procedure for correcting such failure, including timelines for resolution, if available. This Section applies only to Customers with Business and above Support Packages.

4. Customer Responsibilities.

For Redis to provide Support Services to Customer and meet the response times of the applicable Support Package, Customer shall provide the following in a timely manner: (a) Software-Related Data to the SFTP link provided by Redis; (b) access to Customer’s Technical Contacts; and (c) any additional information requested by Redis related to the Software. Customer’s Technical Contacts are the only individuals authorized to initiate and manage the Support Services. Redis may use Software-Related Data to: (i) provide the Support Services; (ii) improve the Software in an aggregated and anonymized form; and (iii) verify compliance with the licensed Database Instance quantities of the applicable Transaction. Customer is responsible for the adequate duplication and documentation of all of Customer’s data for back-up purposes and for all content of the Software-Related Data. Redis is not responsible for any delays in providing Support Services if Customer limits access to Software-Related Data.

5. Amendments. 

Redis may amend this Support Policy in its sole discretion by posting updated Support Policy terms to the applicable website or Marketplace, if any. Redis will also update the version date at the top of the Support Policy terms. By continuing to access or use Redis’ Support Services after Redis has posted the updated Support Policy, Customer agrees to be bound by the updated Support Policy. Any renewed Commercial Subscription will be governed by the then-current Support Policy.