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RedisDays San Francisco was a day fully dedicated to the Redis developer community. During these sessions, our guest speakers showcased how Redis’ real-time data innovations are helping the community to build apps faster by simplifying the developer experience. With new product announcements, product updates, and step-by-step walkthroughs, RedisDays San Francisco was all about delivering the developer community the tools they need to make their app development simpler and faster. Let’s dive right in.
“Real-time is what consumers and businesses now expect,” says Yiftach Shoolman, Redis Co-Founder and CTO, during his ‘Building Real-Time Data Apps Just Got (Much) Easier‘ keynote. In this opening session, he unveils our latest product – Redis Stack. “Redis Stack consolidates the capabilities of the leading Redis modules into a single product,” he says. “This makes it easier for developers to build more real-time applications with the speed and stability of Redis.”
Redis Stack offers a new and complete developer experience. With Redis Stack, building Redis apps has become easier and faster than ever before. Redis Stack includes all the key Redis data models (RedisSearch, RedisJSON, RedisTimeSeries, RedisGraph, and RedisBloom) for its initial release and will enable teams to build using the RedisInsight visual tool while offering the capability to build on any language with the supported client libraries.
Watch the full keynote.
Later sessions in the day explored Redis Stack even further. In the ‘Buckle Up: The Wild Ride Into the New World of Redis Stack,’ Redis Technical Enablement Manager Elena Kolevska walks viewers through the server-side of Redis Stack, the breadth of the different data models it supports, and how they help in solving many real-world use cases.
In her presentation, Elena demonstrates how easy it is to develop services from very different domains using the new RedisInisght visual guides for Redis Stack. She also merges her personal interests (mountain biking) with how Redis Stack functions, demonstrating how it’s possible to build a bike shop app that sells bikes, works as a community forum, catalogs personal stats, and has the capability to analyze sales data. She also explains how to rapidly build apps like full-featured recommendations engines, analytics engines, and fraud detection engines.
Sign in and watch ‘Buckle Up’ now.
The final session to focus on the capabilities of Redis Stack comes courtesy of Josh Long, a world expert in Java spring framework and Spring Dev Advocate at VMware, and Brian Sam-Bodden, Dev Advocate at Redis. Together, they hone in on the benefits of the client side of Redis Stack in their ‘Bootiful Spring Deep Dive Into Redis Stack’ session.
Josh and Brian provide an app-building walkthrough, leveraging Redis’ object mapping library for Spring to quickly start building a fully functional app with many built-in constructs to expedite the build process.
Register to follow the ‘Bootiful Spring Deep Dive Into Redis Stack’ walkthrough.
During his keynote, Yiftach Shoolman, Redis Co-Founder and CTO celebrates the Redis project’s 13 year anniversary. To honor the moment, he also previews the Redis 7.0 release.
Redis 7.0 reemphasizes our commitment to the open source project. Redis has nearly doubled the number of active contributors in the last four years. With Redis 7.0, we are bringing many new features that developers and DevOps teams can utilize to easily build real-time data apps.
“The most exciting news of Redis 7.0 is Redis Functions,” Yiftach notes. “Redis Functions makes it easier and simpler to write code within Redis, as every function is accessible through API. Redis treats functions like it treats data and ensures your functions will sustain failure or restart events by supporting them with existing replication in data persistence mechanisms.”
Redis 7.0 also introduces the concept of Shared PubSub, “for better scaling PubSub command in a clustered environment. Also included is improved security with ACLv2, better usability with Introspective ability, and a lot of internal Optimizations that act on Redis in a robust, safer manner,” he adds.
Itamar Haber, Redis Technology Evangelist, Oran Agra, Redis Core Project Lead, and Madelyn Olson, Redis Core Team Member, AWS go deeper into the new capabilities offered in their ‘Redis 7.0 Unpacked’ session.
Redis 7.0 showcases Redis’ commitment to the open source community with a slew of new capabilities, the highlight being Redis Functions, which opens the door to a new level of programmability options. Here, Itamar, Oran, and Madelyn’s agenda cover Redis Functions, Sharded Pub/Sub, ACL V2, Command Introspection, and Internals and Optimizations.
Watch the ‘Redis 7.0 Unpacked‘ on-demand.
How has the tech industry evolved in the last five years? The last two alone have accelerated the space to unprecedented levels. As Redis CMO Mike Anand states at the beginning of this session, “You have so many choices today when it comes to tools, databases, and languages to build apps.” So how does this abundance affect the developer experience?
That’s the topic of discussion in ‘The Database and the Developer Experience,’ presented by Steve O’Grady, Co-Founder of RedMonk, a developer-focused industry analyst firm. RedMonk’s expertise, as Steve explains it, is to “try to understand what practitioners are using, why you’re using it, and how those trends impact the industry around us.”
Watch this session to understand what changes have occurred in the database space, why developers are demanding a fully integrated experience, and what it means for database providers.
Start viewing ‘The Database and the Developer Experience.’
Udi Gotlieb, VP of Enterprise Product Marketing at Redis is joined by Omar Koncobo, IT Director of E-commerce and Digital Systems at Ulta Beauty for ‘Building a Digital Muscle in the World of Beauty.’ This fireside chat covers the role that open source plays in creating innovative shopping experiences at both brick and mortar and digital shopping spaces in accordance with changing customer needs and behaviors.
So what role do developers play in steering a retail business towards success? In this session, Omar Koncobo discusses how he approaches the many challenges Ulta Beauty has faced in the last couple of years, the value he sees in open source software, and what the move to cloud and microservices architecture did to Ulta Beauty’s technology stack.
View ‘Building a Digital Muscle in the World of Beauty‘ in its entirety.