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Redis Enterprise and MySQL

Increase the performance of your MySQL applications with Redis

Redis Enterprise complements MySQL by enabling the real-time responses expected by today’s customers. As an in-memory, real-time data platform, where all the data is stored in DRAM, Redis Enterprise can be used alongside the MySQL database to make applications faster, more efficient, and more scalable. It brings these benefits by offloading reads as a cache and accelerating queries with real-time search.

Database too slow? Redis Enterprise can help.

Today’s applications are faster, more powerful, and more capable of doing things that were considered extraordinary just a few years ago. But if you re running MySQL applications, chances are your database is a drag on your applications. There is an easy solution: Redis Enterprise. Redis Enterprise can work alongside your MySQL database, allowing you to continue to operate your existing applications. The Redis Enterprise and MySQL combination will add the sub-millisecond performance, scalability, resilience, and flexibility needed to power today s applications.

Boosts your application performance
Achieve sub-millisecond read requests with Redis Enterprise as a cache for MySQL server.

High performant queries at scale
Easily obtain optimized search results on large data volumes.

High-speed data ingestion
Ensure that you have immediate access to high velocity
data when you need it.

Expedite innovation
Build faster, with less code.

On-Demand Webinar

Learn how MyTeam11 overcame the limitations of their relational database with Redis Enterprise.

Connect MySQL and Redis Enterprise

Capture, transform, and load data from MySQL into Redis Enterprise

You can insert Redis Enterprise between your application and your MySQL database management system without disrupting your applications. Redis Connect enables real-time event streaming, transformation, and propagation of changed-data events from various data platforms to Redis Enterprise.

How to accelerate your MySQL applications with
Redis Enterprise

There are many ways to use Redis Enterprise to make MySQL applications faster, less expensive, and capable of powering real-time use-cases with large volumes of data. Redis Enterprise is commonly used alongside MySQL server as a cache to perform sub-millisecond reads, provide real-time search to power secondary index queries, and to enable modern cloud and microservices applications. You can also use Redis Enterprise alongside managed versions of MySQL, such as Amazon RDS for MySQL, Cloud SQL for MySQL on Google Cloud or Azure MySQL.

Secondary indexing queries

Performing queries on secondary indexes can be incredibly time consuming in MySQL due to the table structure. Redis Enterprise is commonly used for secondary indexing to build relationships between records, and perform data queries (beyond primary keys) in real time, while still keeping your raw data in MySQL

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Cache prefetching

Cache prefetching is a technique where data is read from its original storage in disk-based-memory (MySQL) which is then written to a much faster in-memory database, Redis Enterprise before it is needed by your application. Using this approach to offload reads to Redis Enterprise boosts application speed and lowers the load on MySQL.

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Caching using CQRS pattern

CQRS (Command Query Responsibility Segregation) is an application architecture pattern often used in cache prefetching solutions. CQRS is a critical pattern within microservice architectures that decouple reads and writes. With MySQL as the system of record and Redis Enterprise
as an in-memory cache read database, you can avoid slow queries.

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Write-behind caching

MySQL typically struggles in high velocity scenarios when applications have a large volume of transactions that need to be processed in real time and updated in multiple tables. Redis Enterprise can be used as a write-behind cache, receiving and processing thousands of write requests in sub-milliseconds and asynchronously updating any subsequent tables in MySQL.

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Distribute a unified dataset to power global access to your data

Redis Enterprise can be used to enable MySQL applications globally. Active-Active GEO Distribution enables multiple Redis Enterprise clusters, distributed across geographies, to accept reads and writes
simultaneously. The combination of real-time speed, distribution, and data consistency allows Redis Enterprise to MySQL real-time, global applications.

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MySQL distribute unified dataset image

Redis Enterprise and MySQL in action

Session management

Storing session data, which requires frequent reads and writes, in MySQL, is very slow and inefficient. Because every user interaction requires access to the session’s data, keeping that data in Redis Enterprise increases the response time to the application user.

Real-time transaction processing

By the fact that MySQL is an SQL (Structured Query Language) database it was built for data
resiliency and querying rather than speed at scale. Redis Enterprise’s search engine enables real-time query data, content, and documents at scale using a variety of indexing, querying, and full-text search capabilities.

Data ingestion

Using Redis Enterprise with MySQL can address the data ingestion challenges that occur with the Internet of Things (IoT), e-commerce, retail, and financial services. To manage extreme data velocity with MySQL, you need a data ingest buffer, such as Redis Enterprise, to manage large concurrent writes to a relational database.

Real-time analytics and reporting

Gain new insights from your data, with Redis Enterprise’s sub-millisecond speed, to power business intelligence and perform analytics on data held in MySQL. Redis Enterprise can manage extreme data velocity and give you the ability to gain insights faster.

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