Install on desktop
How to install Redis Insight on the desktop
Redis Insight |
Supported operating systems
Redis Insight is supported on multiple operating systems:
Operating System | Supported Versions 1 |
Windows | Windows 11 |
Windows 10 | |
macOS | macOS 15 |
macOS 14 | |
macOS 13 | |
macOS 12 | |
macOS 11 | |
macOS 10.15 | |
Ubuntu Linux | Ubuntu 24.04 |
Ubuntu 23.10 | |
Ubuntu 22.04 | |
Ubuntu 20.04 | |
Debian Linux | Debian 12 |
Debian 11 |
Redis Insight is available for download for free from this web site.
It is also available on:
- Microsoft Store
- Apple Store
- Snapcraft
- Flathub
- Docker Hub.
After installation, run the Redis Insight application in the same was as you would run other desktop applications.
Alternatively, you can also build Redis Insight from source. See the wiki for instructions.
Includes later versions of same major or major.minor release. ↩︎