While you could consider them a “Rich People Problems,” big databases do present big challenges. Scaling and performance are perhaps the most popularly-debated of these, but even trivial operations can become insurmountable as the size of your database grows. Recently, while working on a memory fragmentation issue with one of our users’ databases, I was reminded of that fact.
For my investigation of the fragmentation issue, I needed information about the database’s keys. Specifically, to understand what had led to the high fragmentation ratio that the database exhibited, I wanted to estimate the size of the keys’ values, their TTL and whether they were being used. The only problem was that that particular database had an excess of 500,000,000 keys. As such, iterating over all the keys to obtain the information I was looking for wasn’t a practical option. So, instead of using the brute force approach, I developed a little Python script that helped me quickly arrive at a good estimate of the data. Here’s a sample of the script’s output:
Skipped 0 keys Size range Count Volatile Avg TTL Avg idle 0-49 9346 9346 188522 26039 600-649 32 32 35055 48105 650-699 241 241 35690 47514 700-749 231 231 41808 41045 750-799 62 62 42681 40406 800-849 64 64 42840 39630 850-899 17 17 59546 24997 900-949 3 3 82829 3570 1050-1099 4 4 44159 39322
Instead of crunching the entire mountain of data, my script basically uses a small (definable) number of random samples to generate the data I needed (i.e. average data sizes, TTLs and so forth). While the script’s results aren’t as accurate as a fetch-and-process-all maneuver, it gave me the information I was looking for. You can find the script’s source immediately below and I hope you’ll find it useful.
import redis
r = redis.Redis()
base = 0 # Smallest allowed key in samples
jump = 50 # Key size bins
top = 1300 # Largest allowed key in sample
samples = 1000 # Numbers of samples
bins = []
for i in xrange(1+(top-base)/jump):
found = 0
for i in range(samples):
k = r.randomkey()
idle = r.object("idletime", k) # Must read idle time first before accessing the key
if not r.type(k) == 'string':
l = r.strlen(k)
if l < base or l > top:
found += 1
ttl = r.ttl(k)
b = bins[(l - base)/jump]
b['count'] += 1
if ttl is not None:
b['ttl'] += ttl
b['volatile'] += 1
b['idle'] += idle
start = base
print "Skipped %d keys"%(samples - sum([b['count'] for b in bins]))
print '%-13s %-10s %-10s %-10s %-10s'%('Size range', 'Count', 'Volatile', 'Avg TTL', 'Avg idle')
for b in bins:
if b['count']:
print "%-13s %-10d %-10d %-10d %-10d"%('%d-%d'%(start, start+jump-1), b['count'], b['volatile'], b['ttl']/b['volatile'] if b['volatile'] else 0, b['idle']/b['count'])
start += jump