Redis Enterprise Software quickstart

Set up a test deployment of Redis Enterprise Software for Linux.

This guide helps you install Redis Enterprise Software on a Linux host to test its capabilities.

When finished, you'll have a simple cluster with a single node:

  1. Ensure port availability

  2. Install Redis Enterprise Software

  3. Set up a Redis Enterprise Software cluster

  4. Create a new Redis database

  5. Connect to your Redis database

This quickstart is designed for local testing only. For production environments, see the install and setup guide for deployment options and instructions.

Ensure port availability

If ports that Redis assigns to the database are being used by the operating system or other processes, the installation fails.

Follow the relevant sections to configure required ports.

For recommended and optional port configuration, see Network port configurations.

Update sysctl.conf to avoid port collisions

To avoid port collision, update /etc/sysctl.conf to include:

net.ipv4.ip_local_port_range = 30000 65535

Ubuntu conflicts with port 53

If port 53 is in use, the installation fails. This can occur in default installations of Ubuntu 18.04 and 20.04 in which systemd-resolved (DNS server) is running.

To prevent this issue, change the system configuration to make this port available before installation.

  1. Edit /etc/systemd/resolved.conf:

    sudo vi /etc/systemd/resolved.conf
  2. Add DNSStubListener=no as the last line in the file and save the file.

  3. Rename the current /etc/resolv.conf file:

    sudo mv /etc/resolv.conf /etc/resolv.conf.orig
  4. Create a symbolic link for /etc/resolv.conf:

    sudo ln -s /run/systemd/resolve/resolv.conf /etc/resolv.conf
    You might encounter a temporary name resolution error (sudo: unable to resolve host {hostname}: Temporary failure in name resolution), which should be fixed when you restart systemd-resolved in the next step.
  5. Restart the DNS service:

    sudo service systemd-resolved restart

Configuration for AWS and GCP

For detailed configuration instructions, see your cloud provider's documentation.

  1. Create a VPC that you can use with regional subnets.

  2. Within this VPC, create firewall rules that allow external and internal access for Redis Enterprise Software.

Ingress/Egress Source Protocol Ports Other protocols
Ingress TCP 21, 22, 53, 8001, 8443, 9443, 8070, 10000-19999 ICMP
Ingress UDP 53, 5353
Ingress (if subnets use 10. ranges) all all

Install Redis Enterprise Software

To install Redis Enterprise Software:

  1. Download the installation files from the Redis Enterprise Download Center and copy the download package to a machine with a Linux-based OS.

    You are required to create a free account to access the download center.
  2. Extract the installation files:

    tar vxf <downloaded tar file name>
  3. Run the script in the current directory:

    sudo ./ -y

Set up a cluster

To set up your machine as a Redis Enterprise Software cluster:

  1. In the web browser on the host machine, go to https://localhost:8443 to see the new Redis Enterprise Software Cluster Manager UI. The cluster generates self-signed TLS certificates to secure the connection. These self-signed certificates are unknown to the browser and must be accepted before you proceed.

    To use the legacy UI for this quickstart instead, see the 6.4 version of the quickstarts.

    • If the server does not show the login screen, try again after a few minutes.
  2. Select Create new cluster.

    When you first install Redis Enterprise Software, you need to set up a cluster.
  3. Enter an email and password for the administrator account, then select Next to proceed to cluster setup.

    Set the credentials for your admin user.

    You can also use these credentials to connect to the REST API.

  4. Enter your cluster license key if you have one. Otherwise, a trial version is installed.

    Enter your cluster license key if you have one.
  5. In the Configuration section, enter a cluster FQDN such as cluster.local, then select Next.

    Configure the cluster FQDN.
    If the FQDN is cluster.local, you cannot configure DNS. You cannot change the FQDN after cluster creation.
  6. On the node setup screen, select Create cluster to accept the defaults.

    Configure the node specific settings.
  7. Select OK to acknowledge the replacement of the HTTPS TLS certificate on the node. If you receive a browser warning, you can proceed safely.

    Modal shown when a page refresh is needed because the certificates have been updated.

Create a database

  1. On the Databases screen, select Quick database.

    Select Quick database on the Databases screen.
  2. Enter 12000 for the Port.

    If port 12000 is not available, enter any available port number between 10000 to 19999 or leave it blank to let the cluster assign a port number for you. You will use this port number to connect to the database.

    Create a quick database.
  3. Select Create to create your database.

When you see Database active appear on the database configuration screen, the database is activated and ready for you to use.

Database active icon.

You now have a Redis database!

Connect to your database

After you create the Redis database, you can connect to it and store data. See Test client connection for connection options and examples.

Supported web browsers

To use the Redis Enterprise Software Cluster Manager UI, you need a modern browser with JavaScript enabled.

The following browsers have been tested with the current version of the Cluster Manager UI:

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