Release notes
Here's what changed recently in Redis Enterprise Software:
Version (Release date) | Major changes | OSS Redis compatibility |
7.4.x releases | New Cluster Manager UI enhancements, including Active-Active database management. Full TLS 1.3 support. Automatic recovery configuration. Full IPv6 support, including for internal traffic. Maintenance mode enhancements. Module management enhancements. RHEL 9 support. | Redis 7.2.0 |
7.2.4 releases | Redis 7.0 and 7.2 features. Auto Tiering (enhanced successor to Redis on Flash). RESP3 support. Sharded pub/sub. Preview of the new Cluster Manager UI. Redis Stack 7.2 features. Three Redis database versions. License file structure updates. Redis ACL selectors and enhanced key-based permissions. New INFO fields. Log rotation enhancements. Multi-OS upgrade support for clusters with modules. | Redis 7.2.0 |
6.4.2 releases | Pub/sub ACLs & default permissions. Validate client certificates by subject attributes. Ubuntu 20.04 support. | Redis 6.2.10 |
6.2.18 releases | Database auditing. Private key encryption. Active-Active database support for MEMORY USAGE command. | Redis 6.2.6 |
6.2.12 (August 2022) | OCSP Support. Password & session configuration changes. RHEL 8.6 support. | Redis 6.2.6 |
6.2.10 (February 2022) | Python 3 support. RHEL 8.5 support. | Redis 6.2.5 |
6.2.8 (October 2021) | RHEL 8 support. Set backup start time. | Redis 6.2.3 |
6.2.4 (August 2021) | Internode encryption. Nginx replaced by envoy. New upgrade policies/behavior. | Redis 6.2 |
6.0.20 (April 2021) | Role-based LDAP integration. Enhanced client mutual authentication. Active-Active improvements for eviction policies, migration, and the BITFIELD data type. | Redis 6.0.9 |
6.0.12 (January 2021) | Distribute synchronization across nodes for Active-Active and Active-Passive databases. Disable internal services to free memory. User accounts support password rotation. Module depdencies automatically installed. Syncer process recovery. | Redis 6.0.6 |
6.0.8 (September 2020) | RediSearch 2.0 support. Improved rladmin support for module upgrades. | Redis 6.0.5 |
6.0 (May 2020) | ACL and RBAC improvements for database access. Active-Active databases support Redis Streams. | Redis 6 |
Previous releases | Release notes for Redis Enterprise Software 5.6.0 (April 2020) and earlier versions. |