Get up and running with Redis Enterprise within minutes and on virtually any Kubernetes distribution – cloud or on-prem.
In a world of instant, there is no time to wait for deployment. Get up and running with Redis Enterprise within minutes on virtually any Kubernetes distribution – cloud or on premise. Learn how to eliminate down-time by accelerating deployment and automating scaling.
Join this webinar and engage with Amiram Mizne, Principal Product Manager at Redis and learn how to:
Accelerate deployment through a multitude of deployment options, including multi-cloud and Active-Active replication
Utilize Redis Enterprise Operator to automatically scale, upgrade, and maintain your cluster
April 30, 2019 | 11:00 am
45 minutes
Featured Speaker:
Amiram Mizne
Developers | Architects
Amiram Mizne
Amiram is a Principal Product Manager at Redis. He dedicates himself to the integration of Redis Enterprise with partner platforms, leveraging a Cloud Native approach, tools, and best practices.