Redis Enterprise Software for Kubernetes release notes

Redis Enterprise Software for Kubernetes operator release notes.

Version (Release date)  Major changes
7.4.6-2 (July 2024) This is a feature release with a new version of Redis Enterprise Software 7.4.6.
7.4.2-12 (May 2024) This is a feature release with a new version of Redis Enterprise Software 7.4.2.
7.4.2-2 Releases with support for Redis Enterprise Software 7.4.2.
7.2.4 releases Support for Redis Enterprise 7.2.4, platform support updates, and bug fixes.
6.4.2 releases Release notes for the 6.4.2 releases of Redis Enterprise Software for Kubernetes.
6.2.18 releases Release notes for the 6.2.18 releases of Redis Enterprise Software for Kubernetes.
6.2.12-1 (Sept 2022) Support added for additional distributions, as well as feature improvements and bug fixes.
6.2.10-45 (July 2022) Support added for additional distributions as well as some feature improvements.
6.2.10-34 (May 2022) Support for REBD specific upgrade policies, memcached type REDBs, and RHEL8 for OpenShift, as well as feature improvements and bug fixes.
6.2.10-4 (March 2022) Added support for RS 6.2.10 as well as feature improvements and bug fixes.
6.2.8-15 (January 2022) Maintenance release with bug fixes
6.2.8-11 (January 2022) Support for Istio as ingress controller, K8s 1.22 (AKS, kOps, GKE), OpenShift 4.9
6.2.8-2 (November 2021) Support for RS 6.2.8, certificate management, and Redis upgrade policy.
6.2.4-1 (September 2021) Support for RS 6.2.4 and OpenShift 4.8. Support for K8s 1.19 (EKS and AKS), K8s 1.20 (Rancher, EKS, AKS), K8s 1.21 (GKE and kOps).
Previous versions Release notes for versions of Redis Enterprise for Kubernetes released more than 18 months ago.
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