Quick start using redis-cli

Get started with triggers and functions using redis-cli

Redis Stack Redis Community Edition Redis Enterprise Software Redis Cloud Redis Community Edition Redis Enterprise for Kubernetes clients

Make sure that you have Redis Stack installed and running. Alternatively, you can create a free Redis Cloud account. The triggers and functions preview is available in the fixed subscription plan for the Google Cloud Asia Pacific (Tokyo) and AWS Asia Pacific (Singapore) regions.

Connect to Redis Stack

> redis-cli -h -p 6379

Load a library

Use the TFUNCION LOAD command to create a new library in your Redis instance.> TFUNCTION LOAD "#!js api_version=1.0 name=myFirstLibrary\n redis.registerFunction('hello', ()=>{ return 'Hello World'})"

When the library is created successfully, an OK response is returned. Run the TFUNCTION LIST command to confirm your library was added to Redis.

1) 1) "api_version"
   2) "1.0"
   3) "cluster_functions"
   4) (empty list or set)
   5) "configuration"
   6) "null"
   7) "engine"
   8) "js"
   9) "functions"
   10) 1) "hello"
   11) "keyspace_triggers"
   12) (empty list or set)
   13) "name"
   14) "myFirstLibrary"
   15) "pending_async_calls"
   16) (empty list or set)
   17) "pending_jobs"
   18) "0"
   19) "stream_triggers"
   20) (empty list or set)
   21) "user"
   22) "default"

The TFCALL command is used to execute the JavaScript Function. If the command fails, an error will be returned.> TFCALL myFirstLibrary.hello 0
"Hello World"

To update the library run the TFUNCTION LOAD command with the additional parameter REPLACE.> TFUNCTION LOAD REPLACE "#!js api_version=1.0 name=myFirstLibrary\n redis.registerFunction('hello', ()=>{ return 'Hello World updated'})"

Uploading an external file

Use the redis-cli command to upload JavaScript from an external file. The file needs to contain the header, which contains the engine identifier, the API version, and the library name: #!js api_version=1.0 name=myFirstLibrary.

#!js api_version=1.0 name=lib

redis.registerFunction('hello', ()=> {
  return 'Hello from an external file'

Use the redis-cli -x option to send the file with the command and use the TFUNCTION LOAD REPLACE to replace the inline library with the one from the main.js file.

redis-cli -x TFUNCTION LOAD REPLACE < ./main.js

Creating triggers

Functions within Redis can respond to events using keyspace triggers. While the majority of these events are initiated by command invocations, they also include events that occur when a key expires or is removed from the database.

For the full list of supported events, please refer to the Redis keyspace notifications page.

The following code creates a new keyspace trigger that adds a new field to a new or updated hash with the latest update time.

Load the code in your database:

TFUNCTION LOAD REPLACE "#!js name=myFirstLibrary api_version=1.0\n 
    function addLastUpdatedField(client, data) {
        if(data.event == 'hset') {
            var currentDateTime = Date.now();
            client.call('hset', data.key, 'last_updated', currentDateTime.toString());
    redis.registerKeySpaceTrigger('addLastUpdated', 'fellowship:', addLastUpdatedField);" // Register the KeySpaceTrigger 'AddLastUpdated' for keys with the prefix 'fellowship' with a callback to the function 'addLastUpdatedField'

Add a new hash with the required prefix to trigger our function.> HSET fellowship:1 name "Frodo Baggins" title "The One Ring Bearer"

Check if the last updated time is added to the example.> HGETALL fellowship:1
1) "name"
2) "Frodo Baggins"
3) "title"
4) "The One Ring Bearer"
5) "last_updated"
6) "1693238681822"
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