Configure password expiration

Configure password expiration to enforce expiration of a user's password after a specified number of days.

Enable password expiration

To enforce an expiration of a user's password after a specified number of days:

  • Use the Cluster Manager UI:

    1. Go to Cluster > Security > Preferences, then select Edit.

    2. In the Password section, turn on Expiration.

    3. Enter the number of days before passwords expire.

    4. Select Save.

  • Use the cluster endpoint of the REST API

    PUT https://[host][:port]/v1/cluster

Deactivate password expiration

To deactivate password expiration:

  • Use the Cluster Manager UI:

    1. Go to Cluster > Security > Preferences, then select Edit.

    2. In the Password section, turn off Expiration.

    3. Select Save.

  • Use the cluster REST API endpoint to set password_expiration_duration to 0 (zero).

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