Connect to Azure Managed Redis

Learn how to authenticate to an Azure Managed Redis (AMR) database

The redis-authx-entraid package lets you authenticate your app to Azure Managed Redis (AMR) using Microsoft Entra ID. You can authenticate using a system-assigned or user-assigned managed identity or a service principal, letting redis-authx-entraid fetch and renew the authentication tokens for you automatically.

See Use Microsoft Entra for cache authentication in the Microsoft docs to learn how to configure Azure to use Entra ID authentication.


Install Lettuce first, if you have not already done so.

If you are using Maven, add the following dependency to your pom.xml file:


If you are using Gradle, add the following dependency to your build.gradle file:

implementation 'redis.clients.authentication:redis-authx-entraid:0.1.1-beta1'

Create a TokenBasedRedisCredentialsProvider instance

The TokenBasedRedisCredentialsProvider class contains the authentication details that you must supply when you connect to Redis. Chain the methods of the EntraIDTokenAuthConfigBuilder class together (starting with the builder() method) to include the details you need, as shown in the following example:

TokenBasedRedisCredentialsProvider credentials;

try ( EntraIDTokenAuthConfigBuilder builder = EntraIDTokenAuthConfigBuilder.builder()) {
                .authority(AUTHORITY) // "{YOUR_TENANT_ID}";
                .scopes(SCOPES);      // "";

        credentials = TokenBasedRedisCredentialsProvider.create(;

Some of the details you can supply are common to different use cases:

  • secret(): A string containing the authentication secret.
  • authority(): A string containing the authority URL.
  • scopes(): A set of strings defining the scopes you want to apply. Configure your client application to acquire a Microsoft Entra token for scope, or acca5fbb-b7e4-4009-81f1-37e38fd66d78/.default with the Microsoft Authentication Library (MSAL)

You can also add configuration to authenticate with a service principal or a managed identity as described in the sections below.

When you have created your TokenBasedRedisCredentialsProvider instance, you may want to test it by obtaining a token, as shown in the folowing example:

// Test that the Entra ID credentials provider can resolve credentials.
        .doOnNext(c-> System.out.println(c.getUsername()))

Configuration for a service principal

Add clientId() to the EntraIDTokenAuthConfigBuilder chain to specify authentication via a service principal, passing the ID token string as a parameter. (See the Microsoft EntraID docs for more information about service principals.)

TokenBasedRedisCredentialsProvider credentials;

try ( EntraIDTokenAuthConfigBuilder builder = EntraIDTokenAuthConfigBuilder.builder()) {
                .authority(AUTHORITY) // "{YOUR_TENANT_ID}";
                .scopes(SCOPES);      // "";

        credentials = TokenBasedRedisCredentialsProvider.create(;

Configuration for a managed identity

You can also authenticate to AMR using a managed identity (see the Microsoft documentation to learn more about managed identities).

For a system assigned managed identity, simply add the systemAssignedManagedIdentity() method to the EntraIDTokenAuthConfigBuilder chain:

TokenBasedRedisCredentialsProvider credentials;

try ( EntraIDTokenAuthConfigBuilder builder = EntraIDTokenAuthConfigBuilder.builder()) {
                // ...

        credentials = TokenBasedRedisCredentialsProvider.create(;

For a user assigned managed identity, add userAssignedManagedIdentity(). This requires a member of the UserManagedIdentityType enum (to select a CLIENT_ID, OBJECT_ID, or RESOURCE_ID) as well as the id string itself:

TokenBasedRedisCredentialsProvider credentials;

try ( EntraIDTokenAuthConfigBuilder builder = EntraIDTokenAuthConfigBuilder.builder()) {
                // ...

        credentials = TokenBasedRedisCredentialsProvider.create(;

Connect using the withAuthentication() option

When you have created your TokenBasedRedisCredentialsProvider instance, you are ready to connect to AMR. The example below shows how to include the authentication details in a TokenBasedRedisCredentialsProvider instance and pass it to the RedisURI.Builder using the withAuthentication() option. It also uses a ClientOptions object to enable automatic re-authentication.

The connection uses Transport Layer Security (TLS), which is recommended and enabled by default for managed identities. See TLS connection for more information.

The Lettuce client library doesn't manage the lifecycle of the TokenBasedRedisCredentialsProvider instance for you. You can reuse the same instance for as many clients and connections as you want. When you have finished using the credentials provider, call its close() method, as shown at the end of the example.
// Entra ID credentials provider for Service Principal Identity with Client Secret.
TokenBasedRedisCredentialsProvider credentialsSP;
try (EntraIDTokenAuthConfigBuilder builder = EntraIDTokenAuthConfigBuilder.builder()) {
                .secret(CLIENT_SECRET).authority(AUTHORITY) // "{YOUR_TENANT_ID}"
                .scopes(SCOPES); // ""

        credentialsSP = TokenBasedRedisCredentialsProvider.create(;

// Optionally test the credentials provider.
// credentialsSP.resolveCredentials().doOnNext(c -> System.out.println("SPI ID :" + c.getUsername())).block();

// Enable automatic re-authentication.
ClientOptions clientOptions = ClientOptions.builder()

// Use the Entra ID credentials provider.
RedisURI redisURI = RedisURI.builder()

// Create the RedisClient and set the re-authentication options.
RedisClient redisClient = RedisClient.create(redisURI);

// Connect with the credentials provider.
try (StatefulRedisConnection<String, String> user1 = redisClient.connect(StringCodec.UTF8)) {
        System.out.println("Connected to redis as :" + user1.sync().aclWhoami());
        System.out.println("Db size :" + user1.sync().dbsize());
} finally {
        redisClient.shutdown();  // Shutdown Redis client and close connections.
        credentialsSP.close(); // Shutdown Entra ID Credentials provider.
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