CF.ADD key item
Available in:
Redis CE / Bloom 1.0.0
Time complexity:
O(k + i), where k is the number of sub-filters and i is maxIterations
ACL categories:
@cuckoo, @write, @slow,

Adds an item to the cuckoo filter.

Cuckoo filters can contain the same item multiple times, and consider each addition as separate. Use CF.ADDNX to add an item only if it does not exist.

Required arguments


is key name for a cuckoo filter to add the item to.

If key does not exist - a new cuckoo filter is created.


is an item to add.

Return value

Returns one of these replies:

  • Integer reply - where "1" means that the item has been added successfully
  • [] on error (invalid arguments, wrong key type, etc.) and also when the filter is full


O(n + i), where n is the number of sub-filters and i is maxIterations. Adding items requires up to 2 memory accesses per sub-filter. But as the filter fills up, both locations for an item might be full. The filter attempts to Cuckoo swap items up to maxIterations times.


redis> CF.ADD cf item1
(integer) 1
redis> CF.ADD cf item1
(integer) 1

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