HPEXPIRE key milliseconds [NX | XX | GT | LT] FIELDS numfields field
  [field ...]
Available since:
Redis CE 7.4.0
Time complexity:
O(N) where N is the number of specified fields
ACL categories:
@write, @hash, @fast,

This command works like HEXPIRE, but the expiration of a field is specified in milliseconds instead of seconds.


The HPEXPIRE command supports a set of options:

  • NX -- For each specified field, set expiration only when the field has no expiration.
  • XX -- For each specified field, set expiration only when the field has an existing expiration.
  • GT -- For each specified field, set expiration only when the new expiration is greater than current one.
  • LT -- For each specified field, set expiration only when the new expiration is less than current one.

A non-volatile key is treated as an infinite TTL for the purposes of GT and LT. The NX, XX, GT, and LT options are mutually exclusive.


redis> HSET mykey field1 "hello" field2 "world"
(integer 2)
redis> HPEXPIRE mykey 2000 FIELDS 2 field1 field2
1) (integer) 1
2) (integer) 1
redis> HGETALL mykey
(empty array)


One of the following:

  • Array reply. For each field:
    • Integer reply: -2 if no such field exists in the provided hash key, or the provided key does not exist.
    • Integer reply: 0 if the specified NX, XX, GT, or LT condition has not been met.
    • Integer reply: 1 if the expiration time was set/updated.
    • Integer reply: 2 when HEXPIRE or HPEXPIRE is called with 0 seconds or milliseconds, or when HEXPIREAT or HPEXPIREAT is called with a past Unix time in seconds or milliseconds.
  • Simple error reply:
    • if parsing failed, mandatory arguments are missing, unknown arguments are specified, or argument values are of the wrong type or out of range.
    • if the provided key exists but is not a hash.

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