NRedisStack guide (C#/.NET)
Connect your .NET application to a Redis database
NRedisStack is the .NET client for Redis.
The sections below explain how to install NRedisStack
and connect your application
to a Redis database.
requires a running Redis Community Edition server. See Getting started for Redis installation instructions.
You can also access Redis with an object-mapping client interface. See Redis OM for .NET for more information.
Using the dotnet
CLI, run:
dotnet add package NRedisStack
Connect and test
Connect to localhost on port 6379.
using NRedisStack;
using NRedisStack.RedisStackCommands;
using StackExchange.Redis;
ConnectionMultiplexer redis = ConnectionMultiplexer.Connect("localhost");
IDatabase db = redis.GetDatabase();
You can test the connection by storing and retrieving a simple string.
db.StringSet("foo", "bar");
Console.WriteLine(db.StringGet("foo")); // prints bar
Store and retrieve a HashMap.
var hash = new HashEntry[] {
new HashEntry("name", "John"),
new HashEntry("surname", "Smith"),
new HashEntry("company", "Redis"),
new HashEntry("age", "29"),
db.HashSet("user-session:123", hash);
var hashFields = db.HashGetAll("user-session:123");
Console.WriteLine(String.Join("; ", hashFields));
// Prints:
// name: John; surname: Smith; company: Redis; age: 29
Redis Community Edition modules
To access Redis Community Edition capabilities, use the appropriate interface like this:
IBloomCommands bf = db.BF();
ICuckooCommands cf = db.CF();
ICmsCommands cms = db.CMS();
IGraphCommands graph = db.GRAPH();
ITopKCommands topk = db.TOPK();
ITdigestCommands tdigest = db.TDIGEST();
ISearchCommands ft = db.FT();
IJsonCommands json = db.JSON();
ITimeSeriesCommands ts = db.TS();
More information
See the other pages in this section for more information and examples.