go-redis guide (Go)

Connect your Go application to a Redis database

go-redis is the Go client for Redis. The sections below explain how to install go-redis and connect your application to a Redis database.

go-redis requires a running Redis or Redis Stack server. See Getting started for Redis installation instructions.


go-redis supports the last two Go versions. You can only use it from within a Go module, so you must initialize a Go module before you start, or add your code to an existing module:

go mod init github.com/my/repo

Use the go get command to install go-redis/v9:

go get github.com/redis/go-redis/v9


The following example shows the simplest way to connect to a Redis server:

import (

func main() {    
    client := redis.NewClient(&redis.Options{
        Addr:	  "localhost:6379",
        Password: "", // No password set
        DB:		  0,  // Use default DB
        Protocol: 2,  // Connection protocol

You can also connect using a connection string:

opt, err := redis.ParseURL("redis://<user>:<pass>@localhost:6379/<db>")
if err != nil {

client := redis.NewClient(opt)

After connecting, you can test the connection by storing and retrieving a simple string:

ctx := context.Background()

err := client.Set(ctx, "foo", "bar", 0).Err()
if err != nil {

val, err := client.Get(ctx, "foo").Result()
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("foo", val)

You can also easily store and retrieve a hash:

hashFields := []string{
    "model", "Deimos",
    "brand", "Ergonom",
    "type", "Enduro bikes",
    "price", "4972",

res1, err := client.HSet(ctx, "bike:1", hashFields).Result()

if err != nil {

fmt.Println(res1) // >>> 4

res2, err := client.HGet(ctx, "bike:1", "model").Result()

if err != nil {

fmt.Println(res2) // >>> Deimos

res3, err := client.HGet(ctx, "bike:1", "price").Result()

if err != nil {

fmt.Println(res3) // >>> 4972

res4, err := client.HGetAll(ctx, "bike:1").Result()

if err != nil {

// >>> map[brand:Ergonom model:Deimos price:4972 type:Enduro bikes]

Use struct tags of the form redis:"<field-name>" with the Scan() method to parse fields from a hash directly into corresponding struct fields:

type BikeInfo struct {
   Model string `redis:"model"`
   Brand string `redis:"brand"`
   Type  string `redis:"type"`
   Price int    `redis:"price"`

var res4a BikeInfo
err = client.HGetAll(ctx, "bike:1").Scan(&res4a)

if err != nil {

fmt.Printf("Model: %v, Brand: %v, Type: %v, Price: $%v\n",
   res4a.Model, res4a.Brand, res4a.Type, res4a.Price)
// >>> Model: Deimos, Brand: Ergonom, Type: Enduro bikes, Price: $4972


go-redis supports OpenTelemetry instrumentation. to monitor performance and trace the execution of Redis commands. For example, the following code instruments Redis commands to collect traces, logs, and metrics:

import (

client := redis.NewClient(&redis.Options{...})

// Enable tracing instrumentation.
if err := redisotel.InstrumentTracing(client); err != nil {

// Enable metrics instrumentation.
if err := redisotel.InstrumentMetrics(client); err != nil {

See the go-redis GitHub repo. for more OpenTelemetry examples.

More information

See the other pages in this section for more information and examples. Further examples are available at the go-redis website and the GitHub repository.

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