Prometheus metrics v1
V1 metrics available to Prometheus.
You can integrate Redis Enterprise Software with Prometheus and Grafana to create dashboards for important metrics.
As of Redis Enterprise Software version 7.8.2, v1 metrics are deprecated but still available. For help transitioning from v1 metrics to v2 PromQL, see Prometheus v1 metrics and equivalent v2 PromQL.
The following tables include the v1 metrics available to Prometheus.
Database metrics
Metric | Description |
bdb_avg_latency | Average latency of operations on the database (seconds); returned only when there is traffic |
bdb_avg_latency_max | Highest value of average latency of operations on the database (seconds); returned only when there is traffic |
bdb_avg_read_latency | Average latency of read operations (seconds); returned only when there is traffic |
bdb_avg_read_latency_max | Highest value of average latency of read operations (seconds); returned only when there is traffic |
bdb_avg_write_latency | Average latency of write operations (seconds); returned only when there is traffic |
bdb_avg_write_latency_max | Highest value of average latency of write operations (seconds); returned only when there is traffic |
bdb_bigstore_shard_count | Shard count by database and by storage engine (driver - rocksdb / speedb); Only for databases with Auto Tiering enabled |
bdb_conns | Number of client connections to the database |
bdb_egress_bytes | Rate of outgoing network traffic from the database (bytes/sec) |
bdb_egress_bytes_max | Highest value of the rate of outgoing network traffic from the database (bytes/sec) |
bdb_evicted_objects | Rate of key evictions from database (evictions/sec) |
bdb_evicted_objects_max | Highest value of the rate of key evictions from database (evictions/sec) |
bdb_expired_objects | Rate keys expired in database (expirations/sec) |
bdb_expired_objects_max | Highest value of the rate keys expired in database (expirations/sec) |
bdb_fork_cpu_system | % cores utilization in system mode for all Redis shard fork child processes of this database |
bdb_fork_cpu_system_max | Highest value of % cores utilization in system mode for all Redis shard fork child processes of this database |
bdb_fork_cpu_user | % cores utilization in user mode for all Redis shard fork child processes of this database |
bdb_fork_cpu_user_max | Highest value of % cores utilization in user mode for all Redis shard fork child processes of this database |
bdb_ingress_bytes | Rate of incoming network traffic to the database (bytes/sec) |
bdb_ingress_bytes_max | Highest value of the rate of incoming network traffic to the database (bytes/sec) |
bdb_instantaneous_ops_per_sec | Request rate handled by all shards of database (ops/sec) |
bdb_main_thread_cpu_system | % cores utilization in system mode for all Redis shard main threads of this database |
bdb_main_thread_cpu_system_max | Highest value of % cores utilization in system mode for all Redis shard main threads of this database |
bdb_main_thread_cpu_user | % cores utilization in user mode for all Redis shard main threads of this database |
bdb_main_thread_cpu_user_max | Highest value of % cores utilization in user mode for all Redis shard main threads of this database |
bdb_mem_frag_ratio | RAM fragmentation ratio (RSS / allocated RAM) |
bdb_mem_size_lua | Redis lua scripting heap size (bytes) |
bdb_memory_limit | Configured RAM limit for the database |
bdb_monitor_sessions_count | Number of clients connected in monitor mode to the database |
bdb_no_of_keys | Number of keys in database |
bdb_other_req | Rate of other (non read/write) requests on the database (ops/sec) |
bdb_other_req_max | Highest value of the rate of other (non read/write) requests on the database (ops/sec) |
bdb_other_res | Rate of other (non read/write) responses on the database (ops/sec) |
bdb_other_res_max | Highest value of the rate of other (non read/write) responses on the database (ops/sec) |
bdb_pubsub_channels | Count the pub/sub channels with subscribed clients |
bdb_pubsub_channels_max | Highest value of count the pub/sub channels with subscribed clients |
bdb_pubsub_patterns | Count the pub/sub patterns with subscribed clients |
bdb_pubsub_patterns_max | Highest value of count the pub/sub patterns with subscribed clients |
bdb_read_hits | Rate of read operations accessing an existing key (ops/sec) |
bdb_read_hits_max | Highest value of the rate of read operations accessing an existing key (ops/sec) |
bdb_read_misses | Rate of read operations accessing a non-existing key (ops/sec) |
bdb_read_misses_max | Highest value of the rate of read operations accessing a non-existing key (ops/sec) |
bdb_read_req | Rate of read requests on the database (ops/sec) |
bdb_read_req_max | Highest value of the rate of read requests on the database (ops/sec) |
bdb_read_res | Rate of read responses on the database (ops/sec) |
bdb_read_res_max | Highest value of the rate of read responses on the database (ops/sec) |
bdb_shard_cpu_system | % cores utilization in system mode for all redis shard processes of this database |
bdb_shard_cpu_system_max | Highest value of % cores utilization in system mode for all Redis shard processes of this database |
bdb_shard_cpu_user | % cores utilization in user mode for the redis shard process |
bdb_shard_cpu_user_max | Highest value of % cores utilization in user mode for the Redis shard process |
bdb_shards_used | Used shard count by database and by shard type (ram / flash) |
bdb_total_connections_received | Rate of new client connections to the database (connections/sec) |
bdb_total_connections_received_max | Highest value of the rate of new client connections to the database (connections/sec) |
bdb_total_req | Rate of all requests on the database (ops/sec) |
bdb_total_req_max | Highest value of the rate of all requests on the database (ops/sec) |
bdb_total_res | Rate of all responses on the database (ops/sec) |
bdb_total_res_max | Highest value of the rate of all responses on the database (ops/sec) |
bdb_up | Database is up and running |
bdb_used_memory | Memory used by the database (in BigRedis this includes flash) (bytes) |
bdb_write_hits | Rate of write operations accessing an existing key (ops/sec) |
bdb_write_hits_max | Highest value of the rate of write operations accessing an existing key (ops/sec) |
bdb_write_misses | Rate of write operations accessing a non-existing key (ops/sec) |
bdb_write_misses_max | Highest value of the rate of write operations accessing a non-existing key (ops/sec) |
bdb_write_req | Rate of write requests on the database (ops/sec) |
bdb_write_req_max | Highest value of the rate of write requests on the database (ops/sec) |
bdb_write_res | Rate of write responses on the database (ops/sec) |
bdb_write_res_max | Highest value of the rate of write responses on the database (ops/sec) |
no_of_expires | Current number of volatile keys in the database |
Node metrics
Metric | Description |
node_available_flash | Available flash in the node (bytes) |
node_available_flash_no_overbooking | Available flash in the node (bytes), without taking into account overbooking |
node_available_memory | Amount of free memory in the node (bytes) that is available for database provisioning |
node_available_memory_no_overbooking | Available ram in the node (bytes) without taking into account overbooking |
node_avg_latency | Average latency of requests handled by endpoints on the node in milliseconds; returned only when there is traffic |
node_bigstore_free | Sum of free space of back-end flash (used by flash database's BigRedis) on all cluster nodes (bytes); returned only when BigRedis is enabled |
node_bigstore_iops | Rate of i/o operations against back-end flash for all shards which are part of a flash-based database (BigRedis) in the cluster (ops/sec); returned only when BigRedis is enabled |
node_bigstore_kv_ops | Rate of value read/write operations against back-end flash for all shards which are part of a flash-based database (BigRedis) in the cluster (ops/sec); returned only when BigRedis is enabled |
node_bigstore_throughput | Throughput i/o operations against back-end flash for all shards which are part of a flash-based database (BigRedis) in the cluster (bytes/sec); returned only when BigRedis is enabled |
node_cert_expiration_seconds | Certificate expiration (in seconds) per given node; read more about certificates in Redis Enterprise and monitoring certificates |
node_conns | Number of clients connected to endpoints on node |
node_cpu_idle | CPU idle time portion (0-1, multiply by 100 to get percent) |
node_cpu_idle_max | Highest value of CPU idle time portion (0-1, multiply by 100 to get percent) |
node_cpu_idle_median | Average value of CPU idle time portion (0-1, multiply by 100 to get percent) |
node_cpu_idle_min | Lowest value of CPU idle time portion (0-1, multiply by 100 to get percent) |
node_cpu_system | CPU time portion spent in the kernel (0-1, multiply by 100 to get percent) |
node_cpu_system_max | Highest value of CPU time portion spent in the kernel (0-1, multiply by 100 to get percent) |
node_cpu_system_median | Average value of CPU time portion spent in the kernel (0-1, multiply by 100 to get percent) |
node_cpu_system_min | Lowest value of CPU time portion spent in the kernel (0-1, multiply by 100 to get percent) |
node_cpu_user | CPU time portion spent by users-pace processes (0-1, multiply by 100 to get percent) |
node_cpu_user_max | Highest value of CPU time portion spent by users-pace processes (0-1, multiply by 100 to get percent) |
node_cpu_user_median | Average value of CPU time portion spent by users-pace processes (0-1, multiply by 100 to get percent) |
node_cpu_user_min | Lowest value of CPU time portion spent by users-pace processes (0-1, multiply by 100 to get percent) |
node_cur_aof_rewrites | Number of aof rewrites that are currently performed by shards on this node |
node_egress_bytes | Rate of outgoing network traffic to node (bytes/sec) |
node_egress_bytes_max | Highest value of the rate of outgoing network traffic to node (bytes/sec) |
node_egress_bytes_median | Average value of the rate of outgoing network traffic to node (bytes/sec) |
node_egress_bytes_min | Lowest value of the rate of outgoing network traffic to node (bytes/sec) |
node_ephemeral_storage_avail | Disk space available to RLEC processes on configured ephemeral disk (bytes) |
node_ephemeral_storage_free | Free disk space on configured ephemeral disk (bytes) |
node_free_memory | Free memory in the node (bytes) |
node_ingress_bytes | Rate of incoming network traffic to node (bytes/sec) |
node_ingress_bytes_max | Highest value of the rate of incoming network traffic to node (bytes/sec) |
node_ingress_bytes_median | Average value of the rate of incoming network traffic to node (bytes/sec) |
node_ingress_bytes_min | Lowest value of the rate of incoming network traffic to node (bytes/sec) |
node_persistent_storage_avail | Disk space available to RLEC processes on configured persistent disk (bytes) |
node_persistent_storage_free | Free disk space on configured persistent disk (bytes) |
node_provisional_flash | Amount of flash available for new shards on this node, taking into account overbooking, max Redis servers, reserved flash and provision and migration thresholds (bytes) |
node_provisional_flash_no_overbooking | Amount of flash available for new shards on this node, without taking into account overbooking, max Redis servers, reserved flash and provision and migration thresholds (bytes) |
node_provisional_memory | Amount of RAM that is available for provisioning to databases out of the total RAM allocated for databases |
node_provisional_memory_no_overbooking | Amount of RAM that is available for provisioning to databases out of the total RAM allocated for databases, without taking into account overbooking |
node_total_req | Request rate handled by endpoints on node (ops/sec) |
node_up | Node is part of the cluster and is connected |
Cluster metrics
Metric | Description |
cluster_shards_limit | Total shard limit by the license by shard type (ram / flash) |
Proxy metrics
Metric | Description |
listener_acc_latency | Accumulative latency (sum of the latencies) of all types of commands on the database. For the average latency, divide this value by listener_total_res |
listener_acc_latency_max | Highest value of accumulative latency of all types of commands on the database |
listener_acc_other_latency | Accumulative latency (sum of the latencies) of commands that are the type "other" on the database. For the average latency, divide this value by listener_other_res |
listener_acc_other_latency_max | Highest value of accumulative latency of commands that are the type "other" on the database |
listener_acc_read_latency | Accumulative latency (sum of the latencies) of commands that are the type "read" on the database. For the average latency, divide this value by listener_read_res |
listener_acc_read_latency_max | Highest value of accumulative latency of commands that are the type "read" on the database |
listener_acc_write_latency | Accumulative latency (sum of the latencies) of commands that are the type "write" on the database. For the average latency, divide this value by listener_write_res |
listener_acc_write_latency_max | Highest value of accumulative latency of commands that are the type "write" on the database |
listener_auth_cmds | Number of memcached AUTH commands sent to the database |
listener_auth_cmds_max | Highest value of the number of memcached AUTH commands sent to the database |
listener_auth_errors | Number of error responses to memcached AUTH commands |
listener_auth_errors_max | Highest value of the number of error responses to memcached AUTH commands |
listener_cmd_flush | Number of memcached FLUSH_ALL commands sent to the database |
listener_cmd_flush_max | Highest value of the number of memcached FLUSH_ALL commands sent to the database |
listener_cmd_get | Number of memcached GET commands sent to the database |
listener_cmd_get_max | Highest value of the number of memcached GET commands sent to the database |
listener_cmd_set | Number of memcached SET commands sent to the database |
listener_cmd_set_max | Highest value of the number of memcached SET commands sent to the database |
listener_cmd_touch | Number of memcached TOUCH commands sent to the database |
listener_cmd_touch_max | Highest value of the number of memcached TOUCH commands sent to the database |
listener_conns | Number of clients connected to the endpoint |
listener_egress_bytes | Rate of outgoing network traffic to the endpoint (bytes/sec) |
listener_egress_bytes_max | Highest value of the rate of outgoing network traffic to the endpoint (bytes/sec) |
listener_ingress_bytes | Rate of incoming network traffic to the endpoint (bytes/sec) |
listener_ingress_bytes_max | Highest value of the rate of incoming network traffic to the endpoint (bytes/sec) |
listener_last_req_time | Time of last command sent to the database |
listener_last_res_time | Time of last response sent from the database |
listener_max_connections_exceeded | Number of times the Number of clients connected to the database at the same time has exeeded the max limit |
listener_max_connections_exceeded_max | Highest value of the number of times the Number of clients connected to the database at the same time has exeeded the max limit |
listener_monitor_sessions_count | Number of client connected in monitor mode to the endpoint |
listener_other_req | Rate of other (non read/write) requests on the endpoint (ops/sec) |
listener_other_req_max | Highest value of the rate of other (non read/write) requests on the endpoint (ops/sec) |
listener_other_res | Rate of other (non read/write) responses on the endpoint (ops/sec) |
listener_other_res_max | Highest value of the rate of other (non read/write) responses on the endpoint (ops/sec) |
listener_other_started_res | Number of responses sent from the database of type "other" |
listener_other_started_res_max | Highest value of the number of responses sent from the database of type "other" |
listener_read_req | Rate of read requests on the endpoint (ops/sec) |
listener_read_req_max | Highest value of the rate of read requests on the endpoint (ops/sec) |
listener_read_res | Rate of read responses on the endpoint (ops/sec) |
listener_read_res_max | Highest value of the rate of read responses on the endpoint (ops/sec) |
listener_read_started_res | Number of responses sent from the database of type "read" |
listener_read_started_res_max | Highest value of the number of responses sent from the database of type "read" |
listener_total_connections_received | Rate of new client connections to the endpoint (connections/sec) |
listener_total_connections_received_max | Highest value of the rate of new client connections to the endpoint (connections/sec) |
listener_total_req | Request rate handled by the endpoint (ops/sec) |
listener_total_req_max | Highest value of the rate of all requests on the endpoint (ops/sec) |
listener_total_res | Rate of all responses on the endpoint (ops/sec) |
listener_total_res_max | Highest value of the rate of all responses on the endpoint (ops/sec) |
listener_total_started_res | Number of responses sent from the database of all types |
listener_total_started_res_max | Highest value of the number of responses sent from the database of all types |
listener_write_req | Rate of write requests on the endpoint (ops/sec) |
listener_write_req_max | Highest value of the rate of write requests on the endpoint (ops/sec) |
listener_write_res | Rate of write responses on the endpoint (ops/sec) |
listener_write_res_max | Highest value of the rate of write responses on the endpoint (ops/sec) |
listener_write_started_res | Number of responses sent from the database of type "write" |
listener_write_started_res_max | Highest value of the number of responses sent from the database of type "write" |
Replication metrics
Metric | Description |
bdb_replicaof_syncer_ingress_bytes | Rate of compressed incoming network traffic to a Replica Of database (bytes/sec) |
bdb_replicaof_syncer_ingress_bytes_decompressed | Rate of decompressed incoming network traffic to a Replica Of database (bytes/sec) |
bdb_replicaof_syncer_local_ingress_lag_time | Lag time between the source and the destination for Replica Of traffic (ms) |
bdb_replicaof_syncer_status | Syncer status for Replica Of traffic; 0 = in-sync, 1 = syncing, 2 = out of sync |
bdb_crdt_syncer_ingress_bytes | Rate of compressed incoming network traffic to CRDB (bytes/sec) |
bdb_crdt_syncer_ingress_bytes_decompressed | Rate of decompressed incoming network traffic to CRDB (bytes/sec) |
bdb_crdt_syncer_local_ingress_lag_time | Lag time between the source and the destination (ms) for CRDB traffic |
bdb_crdt_syncer_status | Syncer status for CRDB traffic; 0 = in-sync, 1 = syncing, 2 = out of sync |
Shard metrics
Metric | Description |
redis_active_defrag_running | Automatic memory defragmentation current aggressiveness (% cpu) |
redis_allocator_active | Total used memory, including external fragmentation |
redis_allocator_allocated | Total allocated memory |
redis_allocator_resident | Total resident memory (RSS) |
redis_aof_last_cow_size | Last AOFR, CopyOnWrite memory |
redis_aof_rewrite_in_progress | The number of simultaneous AOF rewrites that are in progress |
redis_aof_rewrites | Number of AOF rewrites this process executed |
redis_aof_delayed_fsync | Number of times an AOF fsync caused delays in the Redis main thread (inducing latency); this can indicate that the disk is slow or overloaded |
redis_blocked_clients | Count the clients waiting on a blocking call |
redis_connected_clients | Number of client connections to the specific shard |
redis_connected_slaves | Number of connected replicas |
redis_db0_avg_ttl | Average TTL of all volatile keys |
redis_db0_expires | Total count of volatile keys |
redis_db0_keys | Total key count |
redis_evicted_keys | Keys evicted so far (since restart) |
redis_expire_cycle_cpu_milliseconds | The cumulative amount of time spent on active expiry cycles |
redis_expired_keys | Keys expired so far (since restart) |
redis_forwarding_state | Shard forwarding state (on or off) |
redis_keys_trimmed | The number of keys that were trimmed in the current or last resharding process |
redis_keyspace_read_hits | Number of read operations accessing an existing keyspace |
redis_keyspace_read_misses | Number of read operations accessing an non-existing keyspace |
redis_keyspace_write_hits | Number of write operations accessing an existing keyspace |
redis_keyspace_write_misses | Number of write operations accessing an non-existing keyspace |
redis_master_link_status | Indicates if the replica is connected to its master |
redis_master_repl_offset | Number of bytes sent to replicas by the shard; calculate the throughput for a time period by comparing the value at different times |
redis_master_sync_in_progress | The primary shard is synchronizing (1 true; 0 false) |
redis_max_process_mem | Current memory limit configured by redis_mgr according to node free memory |
redis_maxmemory | Current memory limit configured by redis_mgr according to database memory limits |
redis_mem_aof_buffer | Current size of AOF buffer |
redis_mem_clients_normal | Current memory used for input and output buffers of non-replica clients |
redis_mem_clients_slaves | Current memory used for input and output buffers of replica clients |
redis_mem_fragmentation_ratio | Memory fragmentation ratio (1.3 means 30% overhead) |
redis_mem_not_counted_for_evict | Portion of used_memory (in bytes) that's not counted for eviction and OOM error |
redis_mem_replication_backlog | Size of replication backlog |
redis_module_fork_in_progress | A binary value that indicates if there is an active fork spawned by a module (1) or not (0) |
redis_process_cpu_system_seconds_total | Shard process system CPU time spent in seconds |
redis_process_cpu_usage_percent | Shard process cpu usage precentage |
redis_process_cpu_user_seconds_total | Shard user CPU time spent in seconds |
redis_process_main_thread_cpu_system_seconds_total | Shard main thread system CPU time spent in seconds |
redis_process_main_thread_cpu_user_seconds_total | Shard main thread user CPU time spent in seconds |
redis_process_max_fds | Shard maximum number of open file descriptors |
redis_process_open_fds | Shard number of open file descriptors |
redis_process_resident_memory_bytes | Shard resident memory size in bytes |
redis_process_start_time_seconds | Shard start time of the process since unix epoch in seconds |
redis_process_virtual_memory_bytes | Shard virtual memory in bytes |
redis_rdb_bgsave_in_progress | Indication if bgsave is currently in progress |
redis_rdb_last_cow_size | Last bgsave (or SYNC fork) used CopyOnWrite memory |
redis_rdb_saves | Total count of bgsaves since process was restarted (including replica fullsync and persistence) |
redis_repl_touch_bytes | Number of bytes sent to replicas as TOUCH commands by the shard as a result of a READ command that was processed; calculate the throughput for a time period by comparing the value at different times |
redis_total_commands_processed | Number of commands processed by the shard; calculate the number of commands for a time period by comparing the value at different times |
redis_total_connections_received | Number of connections received by the shard; calculate the number of connections for a time period by comparing the value at different times |
redis_total_net_input_bytes | Number of bytes received by the shard; calculate the throughput for a time period by comparing the value at different times |
redis_total_net_output_bytes | Number of bytes sent by the shard; calculate the throughput for a time period by comparing the value at different times |
redis_up | Shard is up and running |
redis_used_memory | Memory used by shard (in BigRedis this includes flash) (bytes) |