How to perform vector search in Java with the Jedis client library?
Last updated 20, Apr 2024
How to perform vector search in Java with the Jedis client library?
Create a Java Maven project (check the instructions to build a scaffold project) and include the following dependencies (specify the desired versions):
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The example will store three sentences ("That is a very happy person", "That is a happy dog", "Today is a sunny day") as Redis hashes and finds the similarity of the test sentence "That is a happy person" from the modeled sentences. Vector search is configured to return three results (KNN 3
import redis.clients.jedis.Jedis;
import redis.clients.jedis.UnifiedJedis;
import redis.clients.jedis.HostAndPort;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.ByteOrder;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import ai.djl.huggingface.tokenizers.Encoding;
import ai.djl.huggingface.tokenizers.HuggingFaceTokenizer;
public class App {
public static byte[] floatArrayToByteArray(float[] input) {
byte[] bytes = new byte[Float.BYTES * input.length];
return bytes;
public static byte[] longArrayToByteArray(long[] input) {
return floatArrayToByteArray(longArrayToFloatArray(input));
public static float[] longArrayToFloatArray(long[] input) {
float[] floats = new float[input.length];
for (int i = 0; i < input.length; i++) {
floats[i] = input[i];
return floats;
public static void main(String[] args) {
// Connect to Redis
UnifiedJedis unifiedjedis = new UnifiedJedis(System.getenv().getOrDefault("REDIS_URL", "redis://localhost:6379"));
// Create the index
IndexDefinition definition = new IndexDefinition().setPrefixes(new String[]{"doc:"});
Map<String, Object> attr = new HashMap<>();
attr.put("TYPE", "FLOAT32");
attr.put("DIM", 768);
attr.put("DISTANCE_METRIC", "L2");
attr.put("INITIAL_CAP", 3);
Schema schema = new Schema().addTextField("content", 1).addTagField("genre").addHNSWVectorField("embedding", attr);
// Catch exceptions if the index exists
try {
unifiedjedis.ftCreate("vector_idx", IndexOptions.defaultOptions().setDefinition(definition), schema);
catch(Exception e) {
// Create the embedding model
Map<String, String> options = Map.of("maxLength", "768", "modelMaxLength", "768");
HuggingFaceTokenizer sentenceTokenizer = HuggingFaceTokenizer.newInstance("sentence-transformers/all-mpnet-base-v2", options);
// Train with sentences
String sentence1 = "That is a very happy person";
unifiedjedis.hset("doc:1", Map.of( "content", sentence1, "genre", "persons"));
unifiedjedis.hset("doc:1".getBytes(), "embedding".getBytes(), longArrayToByteArray(sentenceTokenizer.encode(sentence1).getIds()));
String sentence2 = "That is a happy dog";
unifiedjedis.hset("doc:2", Map.of( "content", sentence2, "genre", "pets"));
unifiedjedis.hset("doc:2".getBytes(), "embedding".getBytes(), longArrayToByteArray(sentenceTokenizer.encode(sentence2).getIds()));
String sentence3 = "Today is a sunny day";
Map<String, String> doc3 = Map.of( "content", sentence3, "genre", "weather");
unifiedjedis.hset("doc:3", doc3);
unifiedjedis.hset("doc:3".getBytes(), "embedding".getBytes(), longArrayToByteArray(sentenceTokenizer.encode(sentence3).getIds()));
// This is the test sentence
String sentence = "That is a happy person";
int K = 3;
Query q = new Query("*=>[KNN $K @embedding $BLOB AS score]").
returnFields("content", "score").
addParam("K", K).
addParam("BLOB", longArrayToByteArray(sentenceTokenizer.encode(sentence).getIds())).
// Execute the query
List<Document> docs = unifiedjedis.ftSearch("vector_idx", q).getDocuments();
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Ensure that your Redis Stack instance (or a Redis Cloud database) is running and that you have set the REDIS_URL
environment variable if necessary. Example:
export REDIS_URL=redis://user:password@host:port
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By default, the connection is attempted to a localhost Redis Stack instance on port
The example is provided as a Maven project, which you can compile using
mvn package
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And execute using:
mvn exec:java
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As expected, the minimum distance corresponds to the highest semantic similarity of the two sentences being compared.
[id:doc:1, score: 1.0, properties:[score=9301635, content=That is a very happy person], id:doc:2, score: 1.0, properties:[score=1411344, content=That is a happy dog], id:doc:3, score: 1.0, properties:[score=67178800, content=Today is a sunny day]]
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