How to turn on mail alerts on Redis Enterprise?

Last updated 22, Mar 2024


How to turn on mail alerts on Redis Enterprise?


It's highly recommended to turn on alerts so you can be notified when there's an issue in the cluster and the database.

  • To activate cluster-level alerts, in the UI, click on 'settings' in the red banner and then click on 'alerts'.
  • To activate database-level alerts, in the UI, click on 'databases' in the red banner and then click on the database name. Go to the database configuration page and at the bottom of the page, click on 'Edit'. At the bottom of the page, you'll see the alerts that you can enable at the database level.

To receive alerts in emails:

  1. You need to define your mail server settings in the UI. To do so, click again on 'settings' in the red banner and you'll see the mail server settings at the bottom of the 'general' page.
  2. Lastly, to define a user that will receive the alerts (for example, your Pagerduty user), add it as a user in the UI and ensure it's configured to receive alerts. To do so, click 'settings' in the red banner again and then click 'team'. There, you can add a user and ensure that you enable the 'Email Alerts' option.

If you'd like to enable alerting to an existing user, hover with the mouse on the existing user and you'll see a pen icon at the end of the line. Click on it and it will allow you to change the user's settings.