Failure when Generating the Support Package

Last updated 18, Apr 2024


You are trying to generate a cluster support package using the UI or rladmin cluster debug_info command and the operation fails.


  1. Verify that the /tmp directory has no leftovers of support package files
  2. Verify the log files are rotated by the logrotate service, as user root or sudo run, logrotate -v /etc/logrotate.d/redislabs and verify that the files are rotated in the logs directory.
  3. Verify that you can create a node support package generated without issue on each node /opt/redislabs/bin/debuginfo
  4. Consider changing the debuginfo path to a different location with more space:
    • Locate or create a directory in which the redislabs user has read and write permissions, for example, /var/opt/redislabs. Note: The directory must exist on all cluster nodes!
    • Modify the default path of the Support Package generation by executing: rladmin cluster config debuginfo_path <PATH>
    • Create a Support Package by executing: rladmin cluster debug_info. Note: You can revert the configuration after the Support Package was created to the default setting by executing: rladmin cluster config debuginfo_path /tmp.


Creating a Support Package