How can I enable persistence in the primary shard of a Redis Enterprise database?

Last updated 18, Apr 2024


How can I enable persistence in the primary (master) shard of a Redis Enterprise database?


Durable Redis Enterprise databases enable persistence on the replica shard (this is the default behavior). There may be times when persistence is desired to happen as soon as possible, where the data has been changed first, that is, in the primary shard. It is possible to verify what behavior is configured as follows:

rladmin info db db:1
db:1 [test]:
 master_persistence: disabled
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You can enable persistence on the primary shard by configuring the master_persistence configuration parameter

$ rladmin tune db db:1 master_persistence enabled 
Tuning database: BDB:1 master_persistence set to true.

Finished successfully
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And verify that persistence has been enabled:

rladmin info db db:1
db:1 [test]:
 master_persistence: enabled
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Note that enabling persistence on the primary shard can cause increased latency.


Refer to the command rladmin tune db.