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September 13, 2022

3 Common Misconceptions About Object-relational Mapping

Most software developers are familiar with object-relational mapping (ORM), a coding technique that creates an abstraction layer between object-oriented programming languages and databases. But despite its value, ORM...


September 12, 2022
Helm and Redis Enterprise Cluster

An Introduction to the Helm Tool and Helm Charts

Manual deployments of Kubernetes clusters can be a real hassle. Installing and maintaining a cluster is a complex task unless there are automations to fast-track the process, and...


September 12, 2022

Jedis vs. Lettuce: An Exploration

I’m an explorer by heart, so when I have to make a technical decision—like, say, choosing a Redis client—I go a-spelunking. Herein is the account of my exploration...


September 9, 2022

Redis Enterprise Operator for Kubernetes

To streamline the management of a Kubernetes layer, we developed our own Kubernetes controller, the Redis Enterprise Operator for Kubernetes. Unlock the cloud-native data layer by downloading our...


September 8, 2022

A Redis Hosting Option for Heroku Users

Heroku may have discontinued its free platform support for Redis, which may discourage those who have depended on it. But not to worry! Redis has several ways to...


August 31, 2022

Redis Enterprise Cloud Releases Terraform Version 1.0.0

Redis is investing in its Terraform registry, helping developers manage their databases across multiple modules easily. Let’s see what new updates Redis Enterprise Cloud’s Terraform version 1.0.0 brings,...


August 17, 2022
Redis E-Book | 8 Data Modeling Patterns in Redis

NoSQL Data Modeling with Redis

Take a quick, but thorough overview of the “8 Data Modeling Patterns in Redis,” found in our new comprehensive e-book for data modeling in NoSQL.


August 12, 2022
Redis | Object Mapping for Spring

What’s New in Redis OM Spring?

The Redis OM projects are progressing nicely. After six months of hard work, the team has created a usable and stable set of APIs for Redis Stack. We...


August 11, 2022

Probabilistic Data Structures in Redis

Hello World! My name is Savannah, and I’m a new-ish Developer Advocate at Redis. I’ve hopped on livestream to talk about RedisJSON with our Senior Developer Advocates Justin...


August 10, 2022

Building Feature Stores with Redis Enterprise on Google Cloud

Every day, more and more companies are building feature stores for machine learning (ML) with Redis and Redis Enterprise as the online feature store. In previous blog posts,...


August 10, 2022
Introducing Our First Redis Insiders

Introducing Our First Redis Insiders

Back in May, we launched our first ambassador program: Redis Insiders. We received a great response from the community. Now, we can introduce our first four Redis Insiders to the...


August 8, 2022
Redis | Primary Database

Redis as a Cache vs Redis as a Primary Database in 90 Seconds

We received a lot of good feedback on our post titled, “Learn How Redis Simplifies Your Architecture in 90 Seconds,” so we decided to do a follow-up about...


August 5, 2022

Native JSON Support on Azure Cache for Redis Enterprise Now Generally Available

Find new opportunities to help create a document database using native JSON support on Azure Cache for Redis Enterprise. We are excited to announce that native JSON support...


August 4, 2022
Redis | Object Mapping for Node.js

What’s Up With Redis OM for Node.JS?

Redis OM for Node.js is still in its early days, but we’re making a lot of progress. Here’s what we added in the latest version and where we’re...


August 4, 2022
Redis | Object Mapping for .NET

Redis OM .NET Update

Embedded documents, indexed arrays, and other awesome additions to Redis OM .NET! In November 2021, we released the v0.1.0 version of Redis OM .NET (an object mapping library...


August 3, 2022
Redis Enterprise | Data Ingestion: 5 Ways to Speed Up Your Application

Data Ingestion: 6 Ways to Speed Up Your Application

Today’s world requires real-time responses – latency is the new outage, and your customers’ expectations for speed have only gone up. Real-time use cases are only possible with...


July 29, 2022

What Is a Data Pipeline?

Data has become the most valuable commodity to businesses in the 21st century. From start to finish, the success of every large corporation hinges on its ability to...


July 19, 2022
Redis is Coalfire ISO 27001 Certified

Redis Achieves ISO 27001 Cybersecurity Certification

We are excited to announce that Redis has achieved the ISO/IEC 27001:2013 cybersecurity certification! ISO/IEC 27001:2013 is an internationally recognized standard that defines best practices for a company’s...


July 15, 2022

What is Fuzzy Matching?

Fuzzy matching (FM), also known as fuzzy logic, approximate string matching, fuzzy name matching, or fuzzy string matching is an artificial intelligence and machine learning technology that identifies...


July 14, 2022

Bloom Filter Datatype for Redis

Click here to download the Probabilistic module which supports scalable bloom and cuckoo filters.  What is a Bloom Filter? A Bloom filter is a probabilistic data structure conceived...


July 12, 2022

Redis Use Case Examples for Developers

Redis has a great reputation – but where’s it used? Developers rely on Redis Enterprise for critical use cases across several industries. Learn several scenarios where Redis has...