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February 7, 2023

The Top Conferences for Database Developers to Attend in 2023 

If you’ve been staying home with your cat and avoiding public events for the past two years, that’s perfectly understandable. But 2023 may be the year when things...


February 2, 2023

5 Basic Steps to Secure Redis Deployments

Recent security reports identified the risk of attacks on misconfigured Redis databases. Here are five basic steps to secure your Redis deployments. Recently the cyber research community highlighted...


February 1, 2023

Optimizing Redis’ Default Compiler Flags

Redis and Intel teamed up to find out whether applying more aggressive optimization options would improve overall Redis baseline performance. Our conclusion: Yes! By changing the compiler behavior,...


January 30, 2023

The Marketing Buzzwords That Developers Hate

Nobody is motivated to buy a development tool when the marketing pitch is “leverage synergy.” Tell me if this sounds familiar: An online buddy listens to you describe...


January 26, 2023

Turbocharge Cloud Spanner with Redis Enterprise Active-Active for Global Real-Time Applications

Redis Enterprise’s Active-Active Geo-Distribution and Google Cloud Spanner’s replication work together to provide a unified real-time data layer for geo-distributed applications. Here’s how they connect and the benefits...


January 25, 2023

RedisInsight Introduces Diagnostic Features and Support for Search Capabilities

New with RedisInsight: a free, powerful tool with advanced CLI, diagnostic tools, query and full-text search, database analysis, data formatters, Redis Streams support, bulk deletion, and Slow Log...


January 24, 2023

The Redis Partner Program is Launched! 

Redis has improved our already-impressive program to support its business partners. The new launch offers several new features to help companies that work with us, whether for related...


January 11, 2023

9 Ways to Future Proof Your Software Developer Career

You need to keep your tech skills current. But a productive career depends on several additional practices.  Life is always uncertain, but sometimes it’s more uncertain than usual....


January 5, 2023

How To Make Kubernetes Secrets Truly Secret

Kubernetes Secrets are often used to share secrets used by applications deployed in the Kubernetes cluster.  The caveat is that Secrets are not as secure as their name...


January 3, 2023

Understanding Redis Enterprise Software Support Packages 

We ask for a lot of information when you contact our support teams. We’re not being capricious or demanding. There are good reasons why we ask for this...


December 29, 2022

Looking Forward, Looking Back: The Redis 2022 Retrospective 

Recession, personalization, and ChatGPT, oh my! 2022 was a wild ride!  The tech industry was not immune to economic swings and, in many ways, seemed at its epicenter....


December 28, 2022

Data Durability vs Data Availability: Streaming Video Helps Explain

Need to understand the difference between data durability and data availability? Your favorite binge-watch can help illuminate the distinctions. Data has a shelf life. Data is vulnerable to...


December 22, 2022

The 5 Most Popular Redis YouTube Videos of 2022

Here they are – the five most popular Redis videos of 2022. The most viewed videos of the year offer practical advice, and they cover everything from caching...


December 21, 2022

Speed Up MEAN and MERN Stack Applications With This Effective Design Pattern 

If you don’t design and build software with attention to performance, your applications can encounter significant bottlenecks when they go into production.   Over time, the development community has...


December 20, 2022

The 5 Most Popular Redis Stories of 2022

As 2022 draws to a close, we take a look back at the Redis blog posts that resonated with our readers this year – judged by how often...


December 14, 2022

Tracing Kubernetes Adoption, From Inception to the Cloud

Among the factors contributing to developers’ growing reliance on Kubernetes are its hybrid cloud capabilities, team-friendly portability, and cost-consciousness for cloud deployments.  Kubernetes has come a long way...


December 7, 2022

New Redis Stack Is Stuffed With Dozens of New Features

Redis is happy to announce the availability of the latest version of Redis Stack. Whether you are a long-time Redis developer or you are just getting started, Redis...


December 6, 2022

The Gorilla in the Room: Exploring RedisTimeSeries Performance Optimizations 

Intel and Redis are working together to investigate potential performance optimizations for the RedisTimeSeries compression/decompression algorithm. Here’s how that exploration works.  Time-series data management can be critical in...


November 30, 2022

Benchmarking Performance on Redis Enterprise and Google Cloud T2D Machines

Google and Redis are working together to ensure the best possible server performance across new CPU architectures. Case in point: Our benchmarks show that T2D has up to...


November 29, 2022

Shipping Now: Redis Enterprise Software 6.2.18, the Most Secure Redis Software Ever

Redis Enterprise Software 6.2.18 is out! We’re delighted with this new release, which has a renewed focus on security, and we think you will be, too. Here’s an...


November 22, 2022

How to Receive Redis Cloud Alerts via Slack

Several Redis Cloud customers have requested a way for alerts to be delivered on Slack channels. While these notifications are currently available only through email, there is a...