The hardware requirements for Redis Enterprise Software are different for development and production environments.

Development environment

You can build your development environment with non-production hardware, such as a laptop, desktop, or small VM or instance, and with these hardware requirements:

Item Description Minimum requirements Recommended
Nodes per cluster You can install on one node but many features require at least two nodes. 1 node >= 2 nodes
RAM per node The amount of RAM for each node. 4GB >= 10GB
Storage per node The amount of storage space for each node. 10GB >= 20GB

Production environment

We recommend these hardware requirements for production systems or for development systems that are designed to demonstrate production use cases:

Item Description Minimum requirements Recommended
Nodes* per cluster At least three nodes are required to support a reliable, highly available deployment that handles process failure, node failure, and network split events in a consistent manner. 3 nodes >= 3 nodes (Must be an odd number of nodes)
Cores* per node Redis Enterprise Software is based on a multi-tenant architecture and can run multiple Redis processes (or shards) on the same core without significant performance degradation. 4 cores >=8 cores
RAM* per node Defining your RAM size must be part of the capacity planning for your Redis usage. 15GB >=30GB
Ephemeral Storage Used for storing replication files (RDB format) and cluster log files. RAM x 2 >= RAM x 4
Persistent Storage Used for storing snapshot (RDB format) and AOF files over a persistent storage media, such as AWS Elastic Block Storage (EBS) or Azure Data Disk. RAM x 3 In-memory >= RAM x 6 (except for extreme 'write' scenarios)

Auto Tiering >= (RAM + Flash) x 5.
Network We recommend using multiple NICs per node where each NIC is >100Mbps, but Redis Enterprise Software can also run over a single 1Gbps interface network used for processing application requests, inter-cluster communication, and storage access. 1G >=10G

*Additional considerations: