Install Redis Stack on Linux

How to install Redis Stack on Linux

Learn how to install Redis Stack on Linux from the official APT repository or RPM feed, or with Snap or AppImage.

From the official Ubuntu/Debian APT Repository

See this page for a complete list of supported Ubuntu/Debian platforms. Add the repository to the APT index, update it, and install Redis Stack:

sudo apt-get install lsb-release curl gpg
curl -fsSL | sudo gpg --dearmor -o /usr/share/keyrings/redis-archive-keyring.gpg
sudo chmod 644 /usr/share/keyrings/redis-archive-keyring.gpg
echo "deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/redis-archive-keyring.gpg] $(lsb_release -cs) main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/redis.list
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install redis-stack-server

Redis will not start automatically, nor will it start at boot time. To do this, run the following commands.

sudo systemctl enable redis-stack-server
sudo systemctl start redis-stack-server

From the official Red Hat/Rocky RPM Feeds

See this page for a complete list of supported Red Hat/Rocky platforms. Follow these steps to install Redis Stack.

  1. Create the file /etc/yum.repos.d/redis.repo with the following contents.

    baseurl= # replace rhel7 with the appropriate value for your platform
  2. Run the following commands:

    curl -fsSL > /tmp/redis.key
    sudo rpm --import /tmp/redis.key
    sudo yum install epel-release
    sudo yum install redis-stack-server

Redis will not start automatically, nor will it start at boot time. To do this, run the following commands.

sudo systemctl enable redis-stack-server
sudo systemctl start redis-stack-server

On Ubuntu with Snap

First, download the latest Redis Stack snap package from this page.

To install, run:

sudo apt update
sudo apt install redis-tools
sudo snap install --dangerous --classic <snapname.snap>

Redis will not start automatically, nor will it start at boot time. To start redis-stack-server in the foreground, run the command:

sudo snap run redis-stack-server

To stop Redis, enter Ctrl-C.

Follow these steps to integrate Redis Stack with systemd so you can start/stop in/from the background:

  1. Edit the /etc/systemd/system/redis-stack-server.service file and enter the following information:

    Description=Redis Stack Server
    ExecStart=/usr/bin/snap run redis-stack-server
  2. Run the following commands.

    sudo systemctl daemon-reload
    sudo systemctl start redis-stack-server
    sudo systemctl enable redis-stack-server

If your Linux distribution does not currently have Snap installed, you can install it using the instructions described here. Then, download the appropriate from the downloads page.

On Ubuntu with AppImage

Fuse needs to be installed before proceeding. Install it as follows.

sudo apt update
sudo apt install fuse

Next, download the latest Redis Stack AppImage package from this page.

To run the image, execute these commands:

sudo apt update
sudo apt install redis-tools
chmod a+x <AppImageFile> # replace AppImageFile with the name of your downloaded file

This will start Redis in the foreground. To stop Redis, enter Ctrl-C.

Follow these steps to integrate Redis Stack with systemd so you can start/stop in/from the background:

  1. Edit the /etc/systemd/system/redis-appimage.service file and enter the following information:

    Description=Redis Server (AppImage)
    ExecStart=/path/to/your/<AppImageFile> --daemonize no
    User=redis-user   # replace with an existing user or create a new one
    Group=redis-group # replace with an existing group or create a new one
  2. Run the following commands.

    sudo systemctl daemon-reload
    sudo systemctl start redis-appimage
    sudo systemctl enable redis-appimage

Starting and stopping Redis Stack in the background

You can start the Redis server as a background process using the systemctl command. This only applies to Ubuntu/Debian when installed using apt, and Red Hat/Rocky when installed using yum.

sudo systemctl start redis-stack-server

To stop the service, use:

sudo systemctl stop redis-stack-server

Connect to Redis

Once Redis is running, you can test it by running redis-cli:


Test the connection with the ping command:> ping

You can also test that your Redis server is running using Redis Insight.

Next steps

Once you have a running Redis instance, you may want to:

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