RedisGraph 2.0 release notes

Enabled graph-aided search and graph visualisation. Cypher coverage. Performance improvements.


RedisGraph v2.0.21 requires:

  • Minimum Redis compatibility version (database): 5.0.7
  • Minimum Redis Enterprise Software version (cluster): 5.4.11

v2.0.21 (October 2020)

This is a maintenance release for version 2.0.


  • This release improves overall stability and provides fixes for issues found after the previous release.


  • Minor enhancements:

    • #1326, #1330 Enable comments in Cypher queries.
  • Bug fixes:

  • #1338 Update parser to support negative values.

  • #1319 Replace assertion with runtime error - execution plan building process is unable locate an operation suitable for a filter.

  • #1184 EXPLAIN and PROFILE are invalid clauses. They have counterpart commands GRAPH.EXPLAIN and GRAPH.PROFILE

  • #1212 Emit error on the creation of undirected edges.

v2.0.20 (September 2020)

This is a maintenance release for version 2.0.


  • This release improves overall stability and provides fixes for issues found after the previous release.


  • Minor updates:

    • #1315 RediSearch 1.8.3
    • #1276 Graph info is added to Redis crash report.
    • #1265 Debug assertion functionality.

v2.0.19 (August 2020)

This is a maintenance release for version 2.0.


  • This release improves overall stability and provides fixes for issues found after the previous release.


  • Minor updates:
    • #1229 Upgrade RediSearch dependency to 1.8.2
  • Performance enhancements:
    • #1218 Enable parameters support for ID-based entity retrieval
    • #1242 Improve update logic, update RediSearch indices only once per update
    • #1226 Let RediSearch perform document deletion when replacing a document
  • Bug Fixes:

v2.0.15 (25 June 2020)

This is a maintenance release for version 2.0.


  • This release improves overall stability and provides fixes for issues found after the previous release.


  • Bug Fixes:
    • #1159 IN operator didn't result in an index array lookup with parameterised array (IN $param).

v2.0.14 (22 June 2020)

This is a maintenance release for version 2.0.


  • This release improves overall stability and provides fixes for issues found after the previous release.


  • Bug Fixes:
    • #1157 Index search not using query parameters.

v2.0.13 (15 June 2020)

This is a maintenance release for version 2.0.


  • This release improves overall stability and provides fixes for issues found after the previous release.


  • Enhancements:
    • #1118 Added module configuration parameters for the number of threads in OpenMP and concurrent queries.
    • #1121 RediSearch v1.8.1

v2.0.12 (May 2020)

This is a maintenance release for version 2.0.


  • This release improves overall stability and provides fixes for issues found after the previous release.


  • Enhancements:
    • #1103 RediSearch 1.8. This upgrade will reduce the resources required for Garbage Collection of indices inside RedisGraph.

v2.0.11 (April 2020)

This is a maintenance release for version 2.0.


  • This release improves overall stability and provides fixes for issues found after the previous release.


  • Minor Enhancements:
    • #1056 Added DISTINCT support for paths and arrays.
  • Minor Bugfixes:
    • #1056 Streamlined logic for uniquing entities.
    • #1056 Enabled comparison routine for paths.

v2.0.10 (29 March 2020)


  • This release improves overall stability and provides fixes for issues found after the previous release.


  • Minor Enhancements:
  • Bugfixes:
    • #1017, #1019 - Algebraic expressions correctness.
    • #1020 - Support parameterised SKIP and LIMIT.

v2.0.9 (19 March 2020)


  • This release improves overall stability and provides fixes for issues found after the previous release.


  • Bugfixes:
    • #1028 Ensure proper placement of Index Scans when partially replacing Filter ops.

v2.0.8 (18 March 2020)


  • This release improves overall stability and provides fixes for issues found after the previous release.


  • Bugfixes:
    • #1023 Fix regression in checking argument counts to GRAPH endpoints.

v2.0.6 (15 March 2020)


  • This release improves overall stability and provides fixes for issues found after the previous release.


  • #1004 Re-enable GRAPH.PROFILE
  • #917, #991, #940, #984 Memory leak fixes
  • #925 Bug fix within RediSearch
  • #1001 Bug fix label scan invalid range

v2.0.5 (23 February 2020)


  • This release improves overall stability and provides fixes for issues found after the previous release.


  • Enhancement:
    • #955 Switch OR,AND boolean semiring to ANY,PAIR.

v2.0.4 (23 February 2020)


  • Enhancement:
    • Reduce GraphBLAS size

v2.0.2 (23 February 2020)


  • This release improves overall stability and provides fixes for issues found after the previous release.


  • Improved error reporting:
    • #925 RediSearch query error reporting
    • #919 Added non existing entity runtime error
  • Enhancements:
    • #942 Update GraphBLAS version (3.2.0)
    • #922 Filter tree compaction
    • #906 Optimize cartesian product
    • #898 Granular matrix locking
  • Bug fixes:
    • #917 #940 Resolve memory leaks
    • #938 Label matrix should be fetch right before eval

v2.0 GA (2.0.1 - January 2020)

This is the General Availability (GA) release of RedisGraph 2.0 (2.0.1)!


  • Full Text Search (FTS) enabling Graph-aided Search.
  • Full graph response enabling visualisation.
  • Substantial amount of Cypher coverage.
  • Performance improvements of up to 4x compared to RedisGraph 1.2.

(We will blog about this release soon including performance improvements results and the link here)

Full details:

  • Major features
    • #339 Full Graph Response. RedisGraph now allows to return Graph entities such as Nodes and Relationships. This feature also enables graph visualisation.
    • #558 Indexing functionality replaced by RediSearch. This results in support for
      • compound indices
      • full text search
      • graph-aided search
    • #691 RediSearch index is used with IN operator on indexed properties.
    • #488 Replace flex/lemon parser with libcypher-parser.
    • #574 Introduction of the array data type. This introduces significant support of Cypher as well as properties can be arrays on both nodes and relationships.
    • Cypher
      • #714 MERGE can be combined with any other clause. MERGE will take into account bounded entities.
      • #786 Support for passing all supported graph data types (Node, Relationship, Array,...) as arguments to procedure calls, rather than requiring all arguments to be Strings.
      • #708 Named path support.
      • #717 count(*)
      • #730 UNION
      • #757 coalesce
      • #658 Support for COUNT DISTINCT
      • #574 with the array data support comes IN, collect, head,range, reverse, size, tail
      • #624 randomUUID()
      • #632 IS NULL and IS NOT NULL.
      • #594 Support dynamic inline properties for CREATE and MERGE patterns.
      • #583 NOT Operator.
      • #569 timestamp() function.
      • #586 CASE WHEN (simple form).
      • #582 contains function.
      • #596 indegree and outdegree functions for nodes.
      • #587 improved boolean logic.
      • #539 Reusable entities in pattern matching.
    • #668 PageRank support.
    • #713 Parameterised queries support. Most client drivers are updated. This enables future performance enhancements for query caching.
    • #662 Support for AOF.
  • Enhancements
    • #752 Use GraphBLAS 3.1.1.
    • #674 GRAPH.QUERY will not fail even if graph doesn't exist.
    • #613 Runtime arithmetic error handling.
  • Performance Improvements
    • #773 Bulk deletion of relationships. Deletion of relationships within the same query will be efficiently handled by batch operations in GraphBLAS.
    • #783 Better replication support. Only write queries that mutate the graph or create indices will be replicated to AOF and slaves.
    • #783 Better commit flow. The Redis Global Lock and RedisGraphs's R/W lock are released once writes are done. Fixed duplicate replications in queries with multiple write segments.
    • #640 GraphBlas to support OpenMP.
    • #532 #535 Counting edges of given type by reducing matrices.
    • #534 #571 Query parsing and GRAPH.EXPLAIN in dedicated thread.
    • #550 #555 Optimize cartesian product by reducing to join.
    • #641 Cartesian products with multiple incoming streams >2 can now be optimized with "HashJoin".
  • Bugfixes
    • #783 Master-replica replication - slaves were dropping index mutations caused by procedure calls.
    • #785 Solved several major memory leaks.
    • #795 The underlying graph object's attributes were not updated on RENAME.
    • #720 Validation of function calls in WITH and CREATE clauses e.g. CREATE (a {v: fake()}).
    • #732, #736, #747 Detect cycles in graph and generate algebraic expression.
    • #734 Fix access of uninitialised GrB_Info.
    • #735 Index scans with IN filters did not compare with strings properly,
    • #758 Validate that during UNION all return clauses are annotated.
    • #412 Better handling for GRAPH.DELETE.
    • #537 Wrong row index within expand-into, enabled few TCK tests.
    • #591 Emit validation error when an alias refers to both nodes and edges.
    • #606 Fix Record ID of edges held in ExpandInto op.
    • #607 All ops NULL-set variables in their free routines (memory).
    • #893 Preserve the children array order when replacing operations.
The version inside Redis will be 20001 or 2.0.1 in semantic versioning.
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