Redis Enterprise for Kubernetes release notes 6.4.2-5 (April 2023)

The Redis Enterprise K8s 6.4.2-5 is a maintenance release for version 6.4.2-4.

Redis Enterprise for Kubernetes


This is a maintenance release of Redis Enterprise for Kubernetes 6.4.2-4 that adds supports for Redis Enterprise 6.4.2-61.

New images and fixes are listed below. Refer to 6.2.4-4 (March 2023) for compatibility notes and known limitations.


  • Redis Enterprise: redislabs/redis:6.4.2-61
  • Operator: redislabs/operator:6.4.2-5
  • Services Rigger: redislabs/k8s-controller:6.4.2-5

OpenShift images

  • Redis Enterprise: (or redislabs/redis-enterprise:6.4.2-61.rhel7-openshift if upgrading from RHEL 7)
  • Operator:
  • Services Rigger:

OpenShift OLM bundles

  • Redis Enterprise operator bundle version: v6.4.2-5.0

Feature enhancements

  • Upgraded to support Redis Enterprise 6.4.2-61

Bug fixes

  • Fixed bug that can cause Redis cluster to become unresponsive during a Kubernetes upgrade on clusters with more than 9 REC nodes. (RED-93025)

Compatibility notes

See Redis Enterprise for Kubernetes release notes 6.4.2-4 (March 2023).

Before upgrading

Be aware the following changes included in this release affect the upgrade process. Please read carefully before upgrading,

  • Supported upgrade paths

    If you are using a version earlier than 6.2.10-45, you cannot upgrade directly to this release. You must upgrade to 6.2.10-45 before you can upgrade to versions 6.2.18 or later.

  • ValidatingWebhookConfiguration

    This release uses a new ValidatingWebhookConfiguration resource to replace the redb-admission webhook resource. To use releases 6.4.2-4 or later, delete the old webhook resource and apply the new file. See upgrade Redis cluster for instructions.

Known limitations

See Redis Enterprise for Kubernetes release notes 6.4.2-4 (March 2023).


For a list of fixes related to CVEs, see the Redis Enterprise 6.4.2-61 release notes.

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