Redis Enterprise for Kubernetes 7.4.2-2 (March 2024) release notes

This is a maintenance release supporting Redis Enterprise Software 7.4.2.

Redis Enterprise for Kubernetes


The primary purpose of this release is to support Redis Enterprise 7.4.2, which is a maintenance release of Redis Enterprise Software.

Version changes

For a list of fixes related to CVEs, see the Redis Enterprise 7.4.2-104 release notes.

Breaking changes

The following changes included in this release affect the upgrade process. Please read carefully before upgrading.

Upgrade operating system

If your databases use modules, you need to update all nodes in the cluster to Redis Enterprise 7.2.4 or later before upgrading your operating system. See Upgrade a cluster's operating systemin the Redis Enterprise Software documentation for more details.


The configurable terminationGracePeriodSeconds REC field was added in version 7.2.4-12 to replace the hard-coded timeout of 15 minutes for a node to be stopped or drained (RED-111471).


Versions 6.4.2-4 and later include a new ValidatingWebhookConfiguration resource to replace the redb-admission webhook resource. To use releases 6.4.2-4 or later, delete the old webhook resource and apply the new file. See upgrade Redis cluster for instructions.

OpenShift SCC

Versions 6.4.2-6 and later include a new SCC (redis-enterprise-scc-v2) that you need to bind to your service account before upgrading. OpenShift clusters running version 6.2.12 or earlier upgrading to version 6.2.18 or later might get stuck if you skip this step. See upgrade a Redis Enterprise cluster (REC) for instructions.


  • Redis Software for Kubernetes no longer supports the RHEL7 operating system. Migrate to RHEL8 to use this version.

Supported distributions

See the 7.4.2 releases page for the list of supported distributions.


  • Redis Enterprise: redislabs/redis:7.4.2-104
  • Operator: redislabs/operator:7.4.2-2
  • Services Rigger: redislabs/k8s-controller:7.4.2-2

OpenShift images

  • Redis Enterprise:
  • Operator:
  • Services Rigger:

OLM bundle

Redis Enterprise operator bundle : v7.4.2-2.6

Known limitations

See the 7.4.2 releases page for the list of known limitations.

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