Redis Enterprise for Kubernetes 7.8.4-8 (Feb 2025) release notes

Maintenance release to support Redis Enterprise Software version 7.8.4-66.

Redis Enterprise for Kubernetes

This release includes bug fixes, enhancements, and support for Redis Enterprise Software version 7.8.4-66.

New in this release


Resolved issues

  • Fixed log collector handling of STDERR warnings (RED-148292).

API changes

CRD Field Change Description
REC spec.SecurityContext.readOnlyRootFilesystemPolicy.enabled Add Enables the read-only filesystem

Supported distributions

The following table shows supported distributions at the time of this release. You can also find this list in Supported Kubernetes distributions.

Supported – This distribution is supported for this version of Redis Enterprise Software for Kubernetes.

⚠️ Deprecated – This distribution is still supported for this version of Redis Enterprise Software for Kubernetes, but support will be removed in a future release.

End of life – Support for this distribution ended.

Any distribution not listed below is not supported for production workloads.

Kubernetes version 1.25 1.26 1.27 1.28 1.29 1.30 1.31
Community Kubernetes
Amazon EKS ⚠️
Azure AKS ⚠️
Google GKE
Rancher RKE2 ⚠️
VMware TKG 2.3 ⚠️
VMware TKG 2.4
OpenShift 4.12 4.13 4.14 4.15 4.16
VMWare TKGI 1.16 1.17 1.18 1.19


  • Redis Enterprise: redislabs/redis:7.8.4-66
  • Operator: redislabs/operator:7.8.4-8
  • Services Rigger: redislabs/k8s-controller:7.8.4-8
  • OLM operator bundle : v7.8.4-8.0
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