Redis Enterprise for Kubernetes Release Notes 5.4.14-2 (March 2020)

Support for Redis Enterprise Software 5.4.14, K8s 1.16, and OpenShift 4.3.

Redis Enterprise for Kubernetes


The Redis Enterprise K8s 5.4.14-2 release is a maintenance release providing support for the latest Redis Enterprise Software release 5.4.14 and includes bug fixes as well as the following notable changes:

Support for K8s 1.16

This release now correctly handles the API deprecations, and API version changes that K8s release 1.16 introduced.

Support for OpenShift 4.3; improved OLM support

The release now supports OpenShift 4.3. A new operator version is now available in OpenShift's Operator Hub and now includes a more comprehensive base template as well as references to documentation and support.

Changes to the upgrade process

When the Operator is upgraded to a new release, it now prevents the Redis Enterprise Cluster nodes from being automatically upgraded, unless autoUpgrade is enabled or the RS image version is explicitly updated in the Redis Enterprise Cluster (REC) spec. The change was introduced to avoid situations where an Operator upgrade initiated a rolling update to the cluster nodes' StatefulSet.

Deprecated support for K8s versions 1.9/1.10

This release deprecates support for K8s version 1.9/1.10 and OpenShift 3.9. If you are currently using these releases please contact Redis support for information about migrating to a new K8s release.

Coming soon

  • The Database Custom Resource(CR), which represents Redis Enterprise databases, is in development and planned to be part of an upcoming release. The Database Controller for the Database CR is part of the Redis Enterprise K8s Operator. It is disabled in this release.
  • The next release is planned to support K8s 1.17 and drop support for K8s versions 1.9/1.10.
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