Redis Cloud changelog (June 2023)

New features, enhancements, and other changes added to Redis Cloud during June 2023.

Redis Cloud

This changelog lists new features, enhancements, and other changes added to Redis Cloud during June 2023.

New features

Redis 7.2 fixed opt-in

You can opt in to Redis 7.2 on Fixed subscriptions in selected regions in AWS and GCP. Redis 7.2 introduces several changes to existing Redis commands; see the list of breaking changes for more details.

Export database list to CSV includes Active-Active

Your Active-Active databases will now appear in the database list when you export it to a CSV file. To support this, we added a "Region" column to differentiate between Active-Active databases with the same name.

To export your database list to a CSV file, select Export all on the Databases screen.

Breaking changes

Redis 7.2 breaking changes

When new major versions of open source Redis change existing commands, upgrading your database to a new version can potentially break some functionality. Before you upgrade, make sure to read the provided list of breaking changes that affect Redis Enterprise and update any applications that connect to your database to handle these changes.

Confirm your Redis database version (redis_version) using the admin console or run the following INFO command via redis-cli:

$ redis-cli -p <port> INFO
"# Server

Breaking changes from version 7.0

Upgrading to Redis version 7.2 from version 7.0 introduces the following potentially breaking changes to Redis Enterprise:

  • Time sampling is now frozen during command execution and scripts (#10300). While a command or script is running, the keys used by the command or script will not expire. This breaks any script that uses a loop to wait for a key to expire.

  • Blocked commands in scripts now work the same way as when they are used in transactions (#11568).

Error handling
  • A blocked stream command that is released when a key no longer exists returns a different error code (#11012).

    • For newly unblocked streams, lists, and zsets, the old implementation returned UNBLOCKED when the stream key was deleted or overwritten with a different type. Now, errors will be the same as if the command was processed after the effect.
  • ACL errors have been unified across Redis. (#11160)

    • When using RedisModule_Call module API function, ACL errors return -NOPERM instead of -ERR
  • XREADGROUP and XAUTOCLAIM create a consumer regardless of whether it was able to perform reading or claiming (#11012).

  • Any float that is Not a Number will return nan (#11597).

  • When a blocked client is being unblocked, checks for ACLs and OOM condition checks are now re-evaluated (#11012).
    • If the ACL rules have changed since the command was executed, the command might fail after the client is unblocked.
Command introspection, stats, and configuration
  • When running XINFO CONSUMERS, the idle time now shows the number of milliseconds that have passed since the last attempted interaction, and the inactive time shows the number of milliseconds since the last successful interaction (#11099)

    • Previously, idle time showed the number of milliseconds that passed since the last successful interaction and there was no inactive time.
  • Command stats are only updated when the command executes (#11012).

    • Previously, the command stats were updated even if a command was blocked. The command stats are now updated only if and when the command is executed.

Breaking changes from version 6.2

Upgrading to open source Redis version 7.2 from version 6.2 introduces the following potentially breaking changes to Redis Enterprise.

All breaking changes from version 7.0 also apply to Redis version 6.2.

  • Lua scripts no longer have access to the print() function (#10651) - The print function was removed from Lua because it can potentially cause the Redis processes to get stuck (if no one reads from stdout). Users should use redis.log. An alternative is to override the print implementation and print the message to the log file.

  • Block PFCOUNT and PUBLISH in read-only scripts (*_RO commands, no-writes) (#10744) - Consider PFCOUNT and PUBLISH as write commands in scripts, in addition to EVAL; meaning:

    • They can never be used in scripts with shebang (#!) and no no-writes flag
    • They are blocked in EVAL_RO and _RO variants, (even in scripts without shebang (#!) flags)
    • Allow no-write scripts in EVAL (not just in EVAL_RO), even during CLIENT PAUSE WRITE
  • Hide the may_replicate flag from the COMMAND command response (#10744) - As part of the change to treat may_replicate commands PFCOUNT and PUBLISH as write commands in scripts, in addition to EVAL, the may_replicate flag has been removed from the COMMAND response.

Error handling
  • Rephrased some error responses about invalid commands or arguments (#10612) -

    • Error response for unknown command introduced a case change (Unknown to unknown)
    • Errors for module commands extended to cover subcommands, updated syntax to match Redis Server syntax
    • Arity errors for module commands introduce a case change (Wrong to wrong); will consider full command name
  • Corrected error codes returned from EVAL scripts (#10218, #10329).

    These examples show changes in behavior:

      1: config set maxmemory 1
      2: +OK
      3: eval "return'set','x','y')" 0
    - 4: -ERR Error running script (call to 71e6319f97b0fe8bdfa1c5df3ce4489946dda479): @user_script:1: @user_script: 1: -OOM command not allowed when used memory > 'maxmemory'.
    + 4: -ERR Error running script (call to 71e6319f97b0fe8bdfa1c5df3ce4489946dda479): @user_script:1: OOM command not allowed when used memory > 'maxmemory'.
      5: eval "return redis.pcall('set','x','y')" 0
    - 6: -@user_script: 1: -OOM command not allowed when used memory > 'maxmemory'.
    + 6: -OOM command not allowed when used memory > 'maxmemory'.
      7: eval "return'select',99)" 0
      8: -ERR Error running script (call to 4ad5abfc50bbccb484223905f9a16f09cd043ba8): @user_script:1: ERR DB index is out of range
      9: eval "return redis.pcall('select',99)" 0
     10: -ERR DB index is out of range
     11: eval_ro "return'set','x','y')" 0
    -12: -ERR Error running script (call to 71e6319f97b0fe8bdfa1c5df3ce4489946dda479): @user_script:1: @user_script: 1: Write commands are not allowed from read-only scripts.
    +12: -ERR Error running script (call to 71e6319f97b0fe8bdfa1c5df3ce4489946dda479): @user_script:1: ERR Write commands are not allowed from read-only scripts.
     13: eval_ro "return redis.pcall('set','x','y')" 0
    -14: -@user_script: 1: Write commands are not allowed from read-only scripts.
    +14: -ERR Write commands are not allowed from read-only scripts.
  • ZPOPMIN/ZPOPMAX used to produce wrong replies when count is 0 with non-zset #9711):

    • ZPOPMIN/ZPOPMAX used to produce an (empty array) when key was not a sorted set and the optional count argument was set to 0 and now produces a WRONGTYPE error response instead.
    • The optional count argument must be positive. A negative value produces a value is out of range error.

    These examples show changes in behavior:

      1: zadd myzset 1 "one"
      2: (integer) 1
      3: zadd myzset 2 "two"
      4: (integer) 1
      5: zadd myzset 3 "three"
      6: (integer) 1
      7: zpopmin myzset -1
    - 8: (empty array)
    + 8: (error) ERR value is out of range, must be positive
      9:> set foo bar
     10: OK
     11: zpopmin foo 0
    -12: (empty array)
    +12: (error) WRONGTYPE Operation against a key holding the wrong kind of value
  • LPOP/RPOP with count against a nonexistent list returns a null array instead of (nil)(#10095). This change was backported to 6.2.

  • LPOP/RPOP used to produce (nil) when count is 0, now produces a null array (#9692). This change was backported to 6.2.

  • XCLAIM/XAUTOCLAIM skips deleted entries instead of replying with nil and deletes them from the pending entry list (#10227) - XCLAIM/XAUTOCLAIM now behaves in the following way:

    • If you try to claim a deleted entry, it is deleted from the pending entry list (PEL) where it is found (as well as the group PEL). Therefore, such an entry is not claimed, just cleared from PEL (because it doesn't exist in the stream anyway).
    • Because deleted entries are not claimed, X[AUTO]CLAIM does not return "nil" instead of an entry.
    • Added an array of all the deleted stream IDs to XAUTOCLAIM response.
  • ACL GETUSER reply now uses ACL syntax for keys and channels (#9974). ACL GETUSER now uses the ACL DSL (Domain Specific Language) for keys and channels.

    These examples show changes in behavior:

      1: acl setuser foo off resetchannels &channel1 -@all +get
      2: OK
      3: acl getuser foo
      4: 1) "flags"
      5: 2) 1) "off"
      6: 3) "passwords"
      7: 4) (empty array)
      8: 5) "commands"
      9: 6) "-@all +get"
     10: 7) "keys"
    -11: 8) (empty array)
    +11: 8) ""
     12: 9)"channels"
    -13 10) 1) "channel1"
    +13 10) "&channel1"
  • SORT/SORT_RO commands reject key access patterns in GET and BY if the ACL doesn't grant the command full keyspace access (#10340) - The sort and sort_ro commands can access external keys via GET and BY. In order to make sure the user cannot violate the authorization ACL rules, Redis 7 will reject external keys access patterns unless ACL allows SORT full access to all keys. For backwards compatibility, SORT with GET/BY keeps working, but if ACL has restrictions to certain keys, the use of these features will result in a permission denied error.

    These examples show changes in behavior:

    USER FOO (+sort ~* ~mylist) 
    #FOO> sort mylist by w* get v*  - is O.K since ~* provides full key access
    USER FOO (+sort %R~* ~mylist) 
    #FOO> sort mylist by w* get v*  - is O.K since %R~* provides full key READ access**
    USER FOO (+sort %W~* ~mylist)
    #FOO> sort mylist by w* get v*  - will now fail since $W~* only provides full key WRITE access
    USER FOO (+sort ~v* ~mylist)
    #FOO> sort mylist by w* get v*  - will now fail since ~v* only provides partial key access
  • Fix ACL category for SELECT, [WAIT](/docs/staging/dev/commands/wait/, [ROLE](/docs/staging/dev/commands/role/, [LASTSAVE](/docs/staging/dev/commands/lastsave/, [READONLY](/docs/staging/dev/commands/readonly/, [READWRITE](/docs/staging/dev/commands/readwrite/, ASKING (#9208):

    • SELECT and WAIT have been recategorized from @keyspace to @connection
    • ROLE, LASTSAVE have been categorized as @admin and @dangerous
    • ASKING, READONLY, READWRITE have also been assigned the @connection category and removed from @keyspace
    • Command categories are explained in ACL documentation
Command introspection, stats, and configuration
  • COMMAND reply drops random and sort-for-scripts flags, which are now part of command tips (#10104) - The random flag was replaced with the nondeterministic_output tip; the sort-for-scripts flag was replaced by the nondeterministic_output_order tip

  • INFO commandstats now shows the stats per sub-command (#9504) For example, while previous versions would provide a single entry for all command usage, in Redis 7, each sub command is reported separately:

    • Redis 6.2:

    • Redis 7:

  • CONFIG REWRITE, [CONFIG RESETSTAT](/docs/staging/dev/commands/config-resetstat/, and most [CONFIG SET](/docs/staging/dev/commands/config-set/commands are now allowed during loading (#9878)

Known limitations

There are two known limitations for the version of Redis 7.2 that is packaged with Redis Enterprise.

  • Using XREADGROUP BLOCK with > to return all new streams will cause the Redis database to freeze until the shard is restarted (#12031)

  • Because a rejected command does not record the duration for command stats, an error will appear after it is reprocessed that will cause the Redis database to freeze until the shard is restarted (#12247)

Migration guides for certain clients

If you are using Go-Redis v9 or Lettuce v6+, which by default switch to the RESP3 protocol, and you are running Redis Stack commands, please make sure the protocol version is pinned to RESP2 prior to upgrading to Redis version 7.2.


For applications using Go-Redis v9 and later, ensure that you have Go-Redis v9.0.5 or newer and pin the protocol version as shown below:

client := redis.NewClient(&redis.Options{
    Addr:     "<database_endpoint>",
    Protocol: 2, // Pin the protocol version

No actions are required for applications using Go-Redis v8 or earlier.


To pin the protocol version, use the snippet below:

import io.lettuce.core.*;
import io.lettuce.core.api.*;
import io.lettuce.core.protocol.ProtocolVersion;

// ...
RedisClient client = RedisClient.create("<database_endpoint>");
        .protocolVersion(ProtocolVersion.RESP2) // Pin the protocol version 	
// ...

If you are using LettuceMod, you need to upgrade to v3.6.0.


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