Turn off services to free system memory
Turn off services to free memory and improve performance.
Redis Enterprise Software |
The Redis Enterprise Software cluster nodes host a range of services that support the cluster processes. In most deployments, either all of these services are required, or there are enough memory resources on the nodes for the database requirements.
In a deployment with limited memory resources, certain services can be disabled from API endpoint to free system memory or using the rladmin
Before you turn off a service, make sure that your deployment does not depend on that service.
After you turn off a service, you can re-enable in the same way.
The services that you can turn off are:
- RS Admin Console -
- Logs in CSV format -
- LDAP authentication -
- Discovery service-
- Active-Active databases -
- Alert Manager -
(For best results, disable only if you have an alternate alert system.)
To turn off a service with the rladmin cluster config
command, use the services
parameter and the name of the service, followed by disabled
rladmin cluster config
[ services <service_name> <enabled | disabled> ]
To turn off a service with the API, use the PUT /v1/services_configuration
with the name of the service and the operating mode (enabled/disabled) in JSON format.
For example:
To turn off the Redis Enterprise Cluster Manager UI, use this PUT request:
PUT https://[host][:9443]/v1/cluster/services_configuration '{ "cm_server":{ "operating_mode":"disabled" } }'
To turn off the CRDB services and enable the
for cluster component statistics, use this PUT request:PUT https://[host][:9443]/v1/cluster/services_configuration '{ "crdb_coordinator":{ "operating_mode":"disabled" }, "crdb_worker":{ "operating_mode":"disabled" }, "stats_archiver":{ "operating_mode":"enabled" } }'